

The Vision

To tell the truth straight and to the point

We at Israel Hayom are committed to presenting quality, authentic, truthful, fair, and balanced journalistic content to our readers. We promise to speak in down-to-earth, concise, and clear terms, remaining totally faithful to our readers and the principles which we have promised to represent.


To support the rule of law


We at Israel Hayom promise to fight corruption with courage and uncompromising determination, with the goal of re-establishing the primary role of journalism: to be the watchdog of a democratic government. We promise to offer a superior alternative to existing media. A tenacious but fair newspaper. Different and better.


To be fair and balanced

We at Israel Hayom promise to be fair, balanced, and accurate in our articles. We will fight the "spin" phenomenon. We will always provide the entire story, with all its sides and nuances, after we have examined all the facts and revealed their sources.

To examine the facts and, if we make a mistake, to correct it

We at Israel Hayom are the first media organization in Israel to establish a fact-checking department. We are committed to checking every fact and detail before publication. If despite all these efforts a mistake is made in one of our items, the editorial staff will not sweep the error under the rug, as is the norm - we will announce the error in a prominent, visible location.

To remember that we are Israelis


We at Israel Hayom are committed to acting in a spirit which represents our Israeliness, the Zionism and the ideals upon which the State of Israel was founded and built. We promise that we will not commit the sins of discrimination, favoritism, or condescension toward specific groups in Israeli society. Israel Hayom strives to become the "beautiful Israeli" among local media.