Israel ranked among strongest global cyber powers
"Israel has a well-developed capacity for offensive cyber operations and is prepared to undertake them in a wide range of ...
"Israel has a well-developed capacity for offensive cyber operations and is prepared to undertake them in a wide range of ...
Rafael defense company unveils the Israeli Operational Technologies Cyber Consortium in Dubai, saying “war is not just about missiles today, ...
Israeli picks include companies focusing on cleantech, digital health, cybersecurity, and agtech. UAE's Souqalmal is named first Emirati Technology Pioneeer.
Startups in the cyber sector, especially cybersecurity, raise $1.5 billion in 17 separate deals in the first three months of ...
Israel's Cybint cyber education company partners with Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur and Whizhack Technologies to create India's first cyber ...
Computer problem took TASE's system offline for some 30 minutes on Thursday afternoon. Source of the snafu is under investigation; ...
The attack was directed at "leading defense manufacturers," Defense Ministry says. Modus operandi apparently included "tempting job offers through LinkedIn, ...
Sixgill's Darkfeed collects threat intelligence from deep, dark, and closed web sources.
Team8 Capital will invest at the seed and other early rounds of funding, expanding on its model that builds new ...
Israel, like other big defense exporters, closely guards details of its weapons sales and its export rules are not widely ...
The first issue of Israel Hayom appeared on July 30, 2007. Israel Hayom was founded on the belief that the Israeli public deserves better, more balanced and more accurate journalism. Journalism that speaks, not shouts. Journalism of a different kind. And free of charge.
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