Eldad Beck

Eldad Beck is Israel Hayom's Berlin-based correspondent, covering Germany, central Europe, and the EU.

Will it work in real life?

Germany's anti-BDS legislation now faces the biggest test: implementation. Supporters of BDS on the far Left of Israeli and Jewish society have already come together to fight this decision.

The legislation that passed in the Bundestag last week, which defines the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement as anti-Semitic, has strong symbolic importance.

For the first time, a country has declared that the boycott movement isn't simply a legitimate political trend but rather an outcast racist movement.

This important decision is a significant achievement and one that can be credited to a few factors.

First, this is a clear implementation of what German Chancellor Angela Merkel said about how the security and existence of the State of Israel are a top German national interest. The fact that all of the centrist German parties supported this decision further enforces Merkel's statement.

Second, the one who pushed for a clearer definition of BDS as an anti-Semitic movement was none other than the Federal Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight against anti-Semitism Felix Klein.

Prior to being appointed to this position a year ago, Klein introduced many pieces of legislation that specifically condemned anti-Semitism – despite numerous challenges he faced, mainly from the Left.

The third factor was Israel: after many long years of ignoring the BDS movement and the monetary and political support that it received from certain German groups, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government finally changed its policy.

By directly taking on the boycott movement, it called upon the German government to finally cut off funding toward such groups.

There is an additional element at play here that bothers a number of Israelis and especially top government officials in Jerusalem: the rise of the far-right nationalistic party Alternative for Germany (AfD).

The party has helped expose the duality of the German government's position toward Israel: embracing Israel while simultaneously supporting the Jewish state's enemies.

The fear that the AfD would raise a draft resolution on BDS – exposing Germany's true colors – created a sense of urgency that spurred the ruling German government to pass the Bundestag legislation.

Now, after this historic recognition, we will see how it plays out in real life. Germany will be tested based on how it plans to implement the decision. So, will it work?

Supporters of BDS on the far Left of Israeli and Jewish society have already come together to fight this decision. This development may result in the German authorities trying to find different ways to devoid the ruling of its actual meaning.

For example, who will decide now which groups are supporters of BDS or identify with its policies?

We admire the decision of the Bundestag but it is still too early to celebrate. Only after we see the actual decision implemented and come to fruition will we be able to declare success.

Until then, expect the Israeli supporters of BDS movement, many of whom reside in Germany, to assist the authorities to find ways to bypass this legislation.

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