Amnon Lord

Amnon Lord is a veteran journalist, film critic, writer, and editor.

When commemoration becomes an attack mantra

Yitzhak Rabin's grandson's annual remarks give us good reason to appreciate former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who an entire camp holds responsible for the Rabin murder.


Every year, it's so blatant. Once a year, Jonathan Benartzi grandson of the late Yitzhak Rabin, pops up and with a short backhand sends a dead mouse into the grand lounge of the President's Residence. The smell matches. Instead of us marking a memorial day for his unforgettable grandfather, Benartzi breaks down the fences and starts the annual, one-day civil war.

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If only it were one day a year. We can foresee a good two and a half weeks on the horizon before the attacks end. Until the number one strategic political asset of the identity group whose hatred is its belief is used up.

Benartzi frees us and allows us to respond without pricks of consciousness to the twisted remarks he makes every year, on a pretty regular basis. As long as former President Reuven Rivlin was in office, it was possible to think that Benartzi's remarks were made "with permission and authority," but when it happens on the watch of Herzog II, it's not the president who can be held responsible.

He simply degraded President Herzog by saying, "The rule of the people has replaced the rule of an individual." A year and a half ago, when Benjamin Netanyahu called for an emergency unity government to fight COVID, Benartzi thought that it was a lie. He wrote at the time, in April 2020, that if Netanyahu was lying, he deserved to die of COVID in prison.

The non-representative government, the government of strong-arm elite, is the one that took the rule away from the people; when a government is established based on a single narrow idea, using any means necessary, it invites despair and violence.

"Rule of the people" is a prime minister who is supported by about four seats. This is one of the most serious mistakes Rabin made when he was prime minister and continued to rush into the failing Oslo process on the votes of party defectors while depending on the Hadash faction. To all the preachers from the top political echelon, they should realize that these are the destructive mistakes that lead to a lack of stability in the country, not the wild incitement being uttered by the rejects at the fringes of the camp.

The Rabin family believes that Netanyahu is responsible for the murder of Prime Minister Rabin in November 1995. The memorial day is a day to appreciate Netanyahu, who in a heroic effort liberated Israel from the delusional Oslo Accords and opened new horizons for it. An entire camp, a camp of a minority that tyrannizes a miserable people through the tools of power in its hands, believes – like the Rabin family – that Netanyahu is responsible for the murder.

About a quarter of the people supported the Likud under Netanyahu. We know of no other society in the world that holds a large part of the people collectively responsible, as if millions of right-wing voter grabbed assassin Yigal Amir's arm and all he had to do was pull the trigger. This is an accusation of the historic kind that foreigners made against an entire people. Those who espouse a reactionary view enveloped in a spirit of vengeance aren't telling us why the investigative committed appointed to probe the murder were careful not to investigate the incitement they claim led to the murder.

Perhaps because the initiators of the incitement came from the top ranks of the Labor party, who said, "The Likud is helping Hamas." Maybe because every one of former Prime Minister Netanyahu's ridiculous warnings about the threats expected from bringing the PLO into the territories, including rockets, came true. Maybe because the people who preached to members of the Labor youth movement that they had to confront the "murderers of peace" were the ones who lowered the public battle?

If only the Rabin family would demonstrate a little nobility of spirit and care more about the eternal Israeli flame than the precious and burning eternal flame on the grave of a prime minister who was murdered by an evil man.

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