Gary Schiff

Gary Schiff is a US-Israel natural-resource consultant based in Jerusalem.

What would Menachem Begin do?

For the late Prime Minister Begin, Israel's security was paramount, but he was also clear in his desire not to rule over the day-to-day lives of our Arab neighbors. Israel would be wise to consider some of his principles in developing its response to the forthcoming Trump peace plan.

In the United States, we sometimes longingly remember past presidents and envision how they would have responded to today's challenges. The same is true in Israel, where these days, Israelis across the political spectrum are imagining what the late Prime Minister Menachem Begin's response would be to current events.

In light of the upcoming unveiling of U.S. President Donald Trump's upcoming "deal of the century," this would seems like an opportune time to reflect on what Begin actually proposed as a peace plan to residents of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

At the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, visitors can hear Begin's approach straight from the source. In a video presentation at the museum, in response to a reporter's question about his intentions with regard to making peace with Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, he says unequivocally that Israel has no desire to rule over those communities and that they should have the right of self-determination.

According to his Dec. 28, 1977 plan:

  • An 11-member administrative council based in Bethlehem would be created, presumably representing various communities, with set terms and term limits.
  • Residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza would have the opportunity to choose Israeli or Jordanian citizenship, assuming they met certain requirements and commitments.
  • These areas would also be open to Jewish settlement, but only those who chose to be citizens of Israel could acquire land.
  • Israel would proclaim sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza, with the details of this move to be worked out in the future.
  • There would be guaranteed access to all religious sites.
  • Israel would retain all security responsibilities.

Unfortunately, most of the elements of Begin's proposal have either been ignored or abused.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has significantly exceeded the term for which he was elected. He has demanded a Palestinian capital in what subsequent Israeli prime ministers have referred to as the "eternal Jewish capital of Jerusalem."

Abbas has demanded "Palestinian" citizenship, not Israeli or Jordanian. He has claimed sovereignty over all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza and speaks to his own audience about the ultimate desire to reacquire all of Israel.

It is only with army protection that Jews can visit our religious holy sites; Joseph's Tomb, Joshua's Tomb, among many others.

The components of Begin's plan were considered for inclusion in the Israeli-Egypt peace plan, but Egypt–apparently reflecting certain elements in the Palestinian street–ultimately did not agree. After the peace agreement was concluded, the Israeli military proposed granting individual communities self-government and working directly with locally elected leaders, but that was never implemented. Then came the 1993 Oslo Accords, which created the Palestinian Authority and resulted in decades of anti-Jewish terrorism–terrorism that is encouraged and incentivized by the PA to this day.

We will soon see the Trump administration's peace plan, and Israel needs to have a response ready. Should we look to Begin's ideas in creating our response? Shouldn't Israel insist on safe and uncontested access to our holy sites? Should Palestinian, or only Israeli or Jordanian citizenship be an option? And what of Begin's principle of self-determination? We know that polling data indicates two-thirds of east Jerusalem residents would prefer to be part of Israel in any future scenario, not part of a Palestinian state. Can self-determination be part of the discussion?

For Begin, Israel's security was obviously paramount. He was, however, clear in his desire not to rule over the day-to-day lives of our Arab neighbors, as well as clear on the importance of protecting our Jewish communities and Jewish religious sites in Judea and Samaria. We might do well to consider some of his principles in developing our response.

This article is reprinted with permission from

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