Have you ever imagined what would happen if the Palestinians and their allies ever succeeded in destroying Israel? Have you ever wondered what the destruction of the Jewish state would look like? It's probably not hard to imagine. Think October 7, 2023, but on a much larger scale. Millions of Jews raped, tortured, burned alive and murdered. Their homes and businesses set on fire and ransacked. Basically, a second Holocaust.
But here's the kicker. The destruction of Israel wouldn't just be apocalyptic for Jews. It would be terrible for the Palestinians, who have spent decades believing that they would have the opportunity to prosper once Israel is destroyed and they could return to "Palestine," even though in reality, most Palestinian "refugees" are not actually refugees, and millions of them have never set foot in "Palestine."
Imagine this scenario: After slaughtering all of Israel's estimated 7.7 million Jews – 1.7 million more than were murdered in the Holocaust – destroying Israel's political institutions, and laying waste to most of Israel's social and economic infrastructure, a new Arab "State of Palestine" is created, "From the River to the Sea," as the genocidal slogan goes. Palestinian "refugees" from throughout the Middle East and other parts of the world pour into the new Palestinian state to fulfil their "Right of Return."
Shortly after arriving in the new, Jew-free Palestine, however, they discover that there are no jobs, no economy and no educational opportunities, because the Jews that provided those things are gone. The new Palestine quickly becomes an economic basket case, in the same place that there was once an economic miracle called the State of Israel.
It gets worse. The new rulers of Palestine are corrupt tyrants, just like the present-day rulers of the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. Whereas Israel was a bastion of freedom and democracy in a region full of despotism, the new Palestine emerges as a brutal dictatorship, just like most other countries in the Middle East. There is no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press and no democratic elections. Arbitrary arrest, torture and forced disappearances become commonplace, as they are in the Arab world today.
There are no rights for women. At best, they will be treated as second-class citizens. In the worst-case scenario, women in the new State of Palestine will be treated as little more than chattel, as they now are in Afghanistan, with no access to education or jobs. They will be confined to their homes and only allowed to travel if escorted by a male relative and covered from head-to-toe in traditional Islamic garb.
Rights for members of the LGBTQ+ community? Dream on. In fact, anyone even suspected of being gay in the new Palestine will be summarily murdered or at best given a lengthy prison sentence, as is presently the case in much of the Arab and Muslim world.
There is also no freedom of religion. Jews abroad are not allowed to visit the new Palestine and are cut off from their holy sites, many of which will be neglected or repurposed. Some may even become animal stalls, landfills or excrement dumping grounds, as many Jewish holy places in Jerusalem were under Muslim rule before the 1967 war.
As for the remaining non-Muslims living in the new Palestine – Christians, Druze, Bahais – they become second-class citizens, severely limited in their ability to worship and sometimes violently persecuted, even murdered, for their beliefs, similar to how other non-Muslims are now treated in the Muslim world. Tired of their inferior status, many non-Muslims will leave the new Palestine, and the population of non-Muslims in the country will nosedive, just as the number of non-Muslims in other Arab and Muslim countries has dropped considerably over the better part of a century.
Under the boot of their tyrannical rulers, those who once called themselves Israeli Arabs, quietly tell the Palestinians who have "returned" to Palestine what it was like when Israel still existed, when they enjoyed civil and political liberties, when women's rights were respected, when there were vast economic and educational opportunities in what used to be known as "Startup Nation," and when they were allowed to vote in free and fair elections.
Eventually, high unemployment, poverty, and lack of freedom cause frustration in the new Palestine to boil over and lead to an armed uprising that morphs into a brutal civil war, similar to the recent conflict in Syria. Millions of Palestinians find themselves refugees once again, having to flee their homes due to the fighting. Some end up fleeing the country. Those who stay are forced to endure the horrors of war – bloodshed, famine, destitution – in a country where Arabs once enjoyed a higher standard of living than most of their kinsmen in the Middle East.
This is likely the future the Palestinians face if they and their supporters ever succeed in destroying Israel. In this scenario, many if not most of them will wish they had never destroyed the Jewish state and annihilated its Jewish population. So goes the old adage, "Careful what you wish for. You just might get it."