Several months ago, a Palestine Liberation Organization body published an official document on the conflict. In its 37 pages, the organization put forth its views, with some readers seeing this as a clear endorsement of the two-state solution and even a willingness to relinquish the so-called right of return of Palestinian "refugees."
However, reading this document in detail leads to the exact opposite conclusion.
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The document is actually another example of Palestinian duplicity and shows they continue to peddle a narrative of victimhood and refuse to own up to their actions while ignoring historical facts.
The document includes statements that are diametrically opposed to what Palestinian leaders say whey assure Israel that they would not erase Jerusalem's Jewish heritage if they gained control over the Temple Mount or how the Jewish settlers in a future Palestinians state would not be harmed.
The part that deals with support for Palestinian prisoners and their families is particularly problematic because it shows an unwillingness to discard the ethos of an armed struggle.
Another example of its perpetual narrative of victimhood is the fact that the document also blames Israel for torpedoing the reconciliation efforts between the Hamas and Fatah factions.
The refusal to own up to their actions has resulted in the Palestinians adopting false excuses regarding the peace process, ignoring their decision to reject any peace proposal that has been put on the table. This rejectionist stance was once again on display this week as the Palestinians boycotted the US-led Peace to "Prosperity workshop" in Bahrain
The document's stance on Israel being a Jewish state is particularly laughable. Not only does it give a false interpretation of the international decisions regarding the Jewish people's right to a nation-state and disregards the Declaration of Independence; it also makes references to the myth that Truman deliberately crossed out the words "Jewish state" in his announcement recognizing Israel.
Blaming Israel for usurping the rights of Israeli Arabs and the ongoing efforts to make them engage in armed struggle against Israel, and the presentation of the "right of return" as an individual right that could not be infringed upon or given up, only show the consistent refusal of Palestinians to recognize Israel's right to exist as a nation-state of the Jewish people.
The document's authors point to the peace treaties Israel signed with Egypt and Jordan and note that those two Arab countries did not have to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
This comparison is irrelevant because the Jordanians and Egyptians never asked for a right of return and they do not base their national identity on an antithesis to the Zionist idea. Unlike the Palestinians, the raison d'être of Jordan and Egypt is not a function of the resistance to the nation-state of the Jews or on the blaming of Jews for perpetual victimhood.
The Palestinians continue to deceive the Israelis and the international community by using terms such as "two states for two people. " However, as far as they are concerned, "Palestine" should be a nation-state of the Palestinian people, while Israel should not be a Jewish state and lack any special Jewish or Zionist character.
Unless a new Palestinian leadership comes forth and shows a true willingness to reach a final-status agreement with Israel that is based on Israel's right to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people, it would be best if Israel acted independently to secure the continuation of the Zionist dream so that Israel remains a Jewish and democratic state that is both thriving and secure, all the while keeping the door open for the two-state solution.
In this current political reality, peace will only be a possibility when our grandchildren grow up.