Laureen Lipsky

Laureen Lipsky is the CEO & Founder of Taking Back the Narrative (, a Zionism education company.

US Jewish groups can't afford to lose focus

Jewish groups in the United States should stick to their missions no matter who is in the White House.


Among the Jewish community in America, sadly, being both pro-Israel and politically Conservative places one within a minority of a minority. For the past four years, there existed stand-out stalwarts of Zionism (the Zionist Organization of America) and of the pro-Israel Jewish right (the Republican Jewish Coalition). I had been a proud member of both organizations for years and was pleased as they guided their constituents through issues important to Jews domestically and within the only Jewish homeland.

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Under the Trump Administration, the ZOA was able to sponsor one of the most important pro-Jewish legal measures – that Jews are now included under Title VI. Discrimination against Jews was always dealt as a religious matter. Such protections were not given as much weight as being part of a distinct group of people/ethnicity.

Jews, being an ethnoreligious tribe, certainly fit the criteria. In real-life terms, this means that when anti-Semitism – which is often cloaked in anti-Israel hatred – is expressed in any federally funded institution or program, there will be legal consequences.

The sovereignty of Judea and Samaria is a paramount issue to pro-Israel Jews and a topic that the Zionist Organization of America has emphasized for years. President Trump and his team recognized Jewish rights in Area C, which is historically accurate based not just on Jewish history, but also legally as per the San Remo accords of 1920.

ZOA is not political. Many in leadership roles of the organization have emphasized as such; which is why it was absolutely shocking that on Jan. 7, members received an email praising Biden's "win" – despite the fact that election fraud has been witnessed by thousands of Americans, many of whom signed affidavits, and legal battles were, at the time, still active.

To add insult to many of its members, who do lean to the right politically, the written communication emphasized how pro-Israel! Joe Biden has been in the past, based on a pro-Israel speech given at a ZOA dinner some years ago. Did the organization forget that as Senator, Joe Biden threatened then Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, to cut off American aid to a struggling post-Yom Kippur War Israel? The anti-Semitic political lob inspired PM Begin's most famous speech, "I Am Not a Jew with Trembling Knees."

And more recently, Biden enthusiastically supported the anti-Israel Iran deal, did not support the US Embassy move to Israel, and stated that his Administration would reinstate funding to the terrorist Palestinian Authority. One speech does not erase actual actions and political intentions against Israel. Currently, the organization is shocked at Biden's appointment of Maher Bitar, a BDS anti-Israel activist, as the senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council. Many who have followed Biden's policies are not surprised by that personnel choice.

The Republican Jewish Coalition was equally disappointed in its' mission betrayal. Since beginning my membership with this particular group in 2017, I have proudly observed this organization champion, pro-American politicians, applaud the Taylor Force Act, celebrate the embassy move to its rightful home – in the 3,500-year Jewish capital of Jerusalem, and increase Jewish support for the Republican party. Most recently, the RJC applauded President Trump's Abraham Accords – never in our lifetime have so many Muslim countries not only made peace with Israel, but also normalized relations, which is the ultimate peace.

Yet, while half of America watched the election being stolen overnight on Nov. 3rd, was angered with the state of Pennsylvania for illegally extending a national election, and incensed at GOP leaders ignored constituents' claims of witnessing election fraud, the Republican Jewish Coalition failed to mention election fraud whatsoever since November.

During the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, without nary any investigation, the RJC issued a statement against protestors, but it was not the average protestor who was storming the Capitol. It has recently come to light that both Speaker Pelosi and then-Majority Leader McConnell were warned of an attack.

During President Obama's Administration, both AIPAC and the American Jewish Congress had moved to the Left, prompting some of their members to exit their groups. An organization's mission should not be altered to appease whoever is in the White House. The Jewish National Fund, Americans for a Safe Israel, and a few other prominent Jewish organizations have not succumbed to political wind vanes, and it is best for others to follow suit.

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