The War of Attrition between Israel and Egypt, when daily reports were arriving from the enemy about Israeli casualties and wounded in the late 1960s, and the nation was dispirited, saw the rise of the "Nemerim" movement. They were a group of reservist officers and NCOs who volunteered to bolster positions on the Suez Canal that were under attack. That is the model we should adopt in the face of the war of attrition against coronavirus and those who are trying to depress us and break down our social cohesion and national discipline, which is so essential to the fight against the virus.
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We don't need the desperate cries from leaders of left-wing parties, or a shadow opposition cabinet from the Right, just like we don't need a shadow chief of staff. We need a positive movement that will unite the people and by doing so overcome the ill winds. Without a movement like that, national discipline will crumble.
They have already managed to break down the public's faith in orders and the importance of following them, as well as enforcement of those regulations. For the past few days, my friends and I have been busy getting together our own Nemerim movement, which will provide an appropriate Zionist response.
We will be working with great people who are willing to take small actions. For example: Col. (res.) Moshe "Musa" Peled is a former battalion commander, MK, and deputy cabinet minister. He is a kibbutznik who regularly volunteers to drive military trailers carrying tanks to the Gaza Strip. He asked me, rightfully, "And what will you do about the people who demand that the shutdown end, and then after you end it, complain about why it was lifted?"
That is precisely why we are meeting, to back up the system and do its dirty work in the field. A sort of "Civil Guard," field agents of regulation enforcement, inculcating instructions in communities by outreach to experienced adults who care about others.
Musa was convinced. He has joined us.
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