As Israel continues to bravely and resolutely fight the terrorist group Hamas, the world seems to have forgotten what really happened on October 7: A radical and barbarian terrorist group, sponsored by Iran and Qatar (as well as the logistical support of other rogue states) killed more than a thousand innocent Israeli lives. Dozens of Israeli and foreign citizens have been kept hostages up to this day. However, the international dominant narrative is to mention Hamas as little as possible and focus entirely on Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.
This is not accidental: it is a well-calculated, meticulously defined global communication strategy to make people forget Hamas and transform this terrorist movement into a legitimate resistance movement. Additionally, this international campaign – sponsored by the very same funders, enables and lifetime friends of Hamas – aims to seize the opportunity to make sure Israel will end this war in a weaker position in both regional and international spheres. Simply put, for this international movement, the Hamas attack on Israel might have been a good thing – it will eventually rebalance the relative positions of Israel and Hamas by leaving Israel in a "status of collective paranoia", showing that Israel is not unbeatable and that the United States is no longer capable of protecting its allies (which is a gift to the Kremlin and a warning shot to Kyiv).
Also, in this context, Israel would become an extremely divided society, with internal grievances that would harm Israel's national security to a great length. As a matter of fact, the Iranian Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal, (from which UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hails), in early 2023, launched a video claiming that Al-Quds was coming, the lessons of Qassem Soleimani would soon be applied – and creating, with the support of Iranian start-ups (developed and incorporated in Antonio Guterrres' Portugal) a 3D experience of Karbala and Al-Quds after the annihilation of Israel.
One of the allegations of the then ayatollah regime's ambassador to Portugal was that Israel would not survive a fight between different groups, without clear alliances and without knowing the true enemy's face – this was Qassem Soleimani's enduring lesson, according to this Iranian diplomat right at the heart of Antonio Guterres' hometown. It is crucial to note this Iranian diplomat is a former of MOIS, the Iranian intelligence, having worked as a liaison of MOIS with Russia and Qatar using a "cultural" and "academic" cover-up. This clearly shows that the ongoing war Israel is facing is not only against Hamas – rather, this is truly unconventional warfare whose battlefield spreads well beyond the Gaza Strip. That is why Israel must also focus on the communication warfare which, quite frankly, has been won by Iran, through its main state proxy – Qatar.
Let's not mince words: all the facts prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that António Guterres, albeit a good person, is not an impartial arbiter, capable of achieving any semblance of Peace. In fact, Antonio Guterres is clearly – has been all his political life – partial in favor of the multipolarist bloc, which is totally anti-Israel and anti-America. As Secretary Mike Pompeo wrote in his memoir, António Guterres is to his core a radical socialist from Portugal – and he is still very engaged in Portuguese politics (Guterres is deemed to want to run for the presidency of Portugal or the chairmanship.
As the prime minister of Portugal, Antonio Guterres, reinforced the country's policy of absolute silence about Iran – in 2000, the Portuguese socialist government led by the current UN Secretary-General celebrated a "pact of silence" with the ayatollah regime to forget a case of drug trafficking in an Iranian province (with two Portuguese allegedly involved) in order to not undermine Iran's worldwide reputation.
Months later, the world became aware that the project called Alliance of Civilizations – led by Erdogan's Turkey, Qatar, and the Spanish Guterres ally, José Luis Zapatero, with Putin in the shadows – was being brewed to become a challenger to the United States-led world and a home of international (discrete, yet effective) antisemitism.
Qatar (hence, Iran) is winning this war by acquiring the status of international king-maker – playing both sides, with strong intelligence and counter-intelligence operations, an aggressive communication campaign executed by Al-Jazeera (a branch of Qatari intel), and holding a firm grasp on Antonio Guterres' UN.
Qatar's network in Iberian Peninsula is so strong that they worked tirelessly to transform the "Qatargate" (the corruption scandal involving the European Parliament's members) into a "Morrocogate" – and, of course, Zapatero's ally Joseph Borrell adopted Qatar's official narrative on Israel's war against Hamas.
It's time for the world to wake up – and stop being gaslighted by the false song of a fake multilateralism, which is nothing more than the antechamber to a less free, more authoritarian multipolar world. Let's us remind that, as Eve Curie Labouisse said, peace at any price is no peace at all.