Young adults fresh out of school understand the anxiety associated with taking a test. The amount of preparation can be daunting. But when it comes to taking a test about antisemitism, Judaism or Israel, how much do young adults really know these days? I framed this question at the first B'nai B'rith Portugal European Young Leaders Program on June 21 at the new Oporto Holocaust Museum, the first such institution in the country.
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The adults in the audience, young and older, certainly could relate to the universal pressures of taking an important test, whether their subjects were marketing, management or dentistry. But in a time when young adults generally are far less knowledgeable or savvy about such matters as Judaism and the Jewish state, one wonders more broadly how prepared the next generation is to handle the challenges facing them on college campuses or in the workplace, where Jews have felt pressures heaped on them recently by antagonizing and attacking anti-Israel/antisemitic forces.
Sadly, most students are woefully ill-prepared or ill-informed about such matters, leaving them vulnerable to believing whatever they are told by peers, and fearful as to what attacker may lurk around the corner. Perhaps students, armed with the truth, would be able to defend themselves.
Clearly, the Jewish people have been tested through time. They have survived adversity through great civilizations, tyrants, impossible circumstances, expulsions, pogroms and gas chambers. Amid all of their wondrous achievements and successes, they have faced inexorable pain. Portugal witnessed 20 percent of its population evaporate in 1497 from the Inquisition and expulsion of Jews, and Europe lost at least 33 percent of its Jews from 1933 to 1945.
For thousands of years, Jews have absorbed being demonized, persecuted and subjected to blood libels that stripped them of their humanity. The defense in common libel matters of American jurisprudence is the truth.
So, the young adults in Porto's Holocaust museum this day were advised that the truth is readily available, and that they must pursue it to counter – and hopefully reduce – damaging falsehoods. The test for which they must prepare will require time and commitment for study. They must have the mentorship and guidance of an older generation, thus making this process something that is delivered from generation to generation.
The Porto conference taught them about the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism from Ambassador Luis Barreiros, Portugal's delegation head to the IHRA committee. The definition has been adopted by more than 30 countries, universities, organizations, large businesses, even premier sports leagues.
However, some groups, even Jewish groups, have considered it "not perfect," as it is "misunderstood and misused" because of its support for the existence and defense of the State of Israel. "But it is the best tool," Barreiros said, "to fight the scourges of antisemitism, so let's use it."
He added that the definition helps identify warning lights and signs against Jew-hatred. "Half-truths are more dangerous than a full lie," he said.
Daniel S. Mariaschin, CEO of B'nai B'rith International, whose organization endorses and promotes the IHRA definition, praised the measure and actually participated in the earliest meetings in Stockholm during the late 1990s.
"Israel's enemies and those who seek to undermine it consistently hide behind the "free speech" argument," Mariaschin said. "Theirs is surely not critical opinion; it is the equivalent of shouting 'fire' in a crowded movie theater. Their language is that of incitement. When one says that Israel is an 'apartheid state,' that it engages in 'state terror' and that its security fence is akin to the Warsaw Ghetto, they are deliberately engaging in what amounts to antisemitic smear tactics."
Other red lines crossed, Mariaschin said, included a UN resolution in 1975 equating Zionism with racism, suggesting that if you are a Zionist – someone who identifies Israel as the eternal homeland for the Jewish people – then you are a racist. The effects of that resolution are very much with us today. He said that Jews need to re-double efforts at educating ourselves about Jewish and Israeli history to counter the verbal assaults.
"We live in a time when historical context is deemed expendable," Mariaschin said. "We mustn't allow those who seek to delegitimize and demonize Israel to selectively put forth wildly biased narratives of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That's why it is vitally important to know our own history, if we are to push back effectively in a time when Israel is demeaned daily, especially on social media."
Raphael Gamzou, Israel's ambassador to Portugal, reminded the audience that Israel was bombarded mercilessly with "moral equivalency arguments" in assessing responses to thousands of missiles raining down on Israel from Gaza.
"I never claim Israel is a flawless country, but the missile attacks were such a flagrant violation, and to follow up with comments about moral equivalency is outrageous," he said. "There is no more moral army in the world than the IDF. Our enemies are going to complain that we have a weapon that not only keeps rockets from falling on its own people, but keeps rockets from falling on Palestinians. We wish we didn't have to protect ourselves from missile attacks, but we do. This is war."
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Asked about the prospects of another Holocaust against the Jews and the rise of antisemitism, he said, "With Israel as a thriving nation, I see no option for another Holocaust against the Jewish people," he said. "We will have to continue developing Israel as a moral and democratic country to encourage additional agreements, such as the Abraham Accords. And we will need to continue building bridges between the Diaspora and a healthy Israel. As for antisemitism, we've faced it for thousands of years, and I'm afraid it is here for the long haul … unfortunately."
Jews will continue to be tested, so you are urged to study Jewish and Israel history very diligently. Only with such preparation will today's and tomorrow's generations be able to survive.
The conference concluded the next day with roundtable discussions and congratulatory messages from Porto community benefactors Michael Kadoorie and Jacob Safra.
Reprinted with permission from