President Isaac Herzog

Isaac Herzog is Israel's 11th president and the former chairman of the Jewish Agency.

Together, we can build a home for us all

We all long for good. But it is not enough to long for it – we must make it happen.


The Hebrew year 5782, which is about to begin, is a shmita year. Once every seven years, the people of Israel are commanded to allow the ground and people to rest. Possibly to rethink our course. And who knows how badly we need a short break after the difficult year we have had.

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This past year, coronavirus turned out to be more stubborn than we thought, and continued to claim lives and overshadow our welcome routines at the economic, social, family, personal, and human levels. This past year, our enemies have continued to test our determination to defend our borders and our citizens, and rampaging elements among us are threatening to set our joint fabric of life on fire that we continue to develop through hard work.

And despite all the challenges that amassed this year – we succeeded. The IDF and other security forces are protecting our borders from north to south, and working day and night to ensure calm on our streets. Our firefighters are bravely defending our nature and communities from raging wildfires, and medical teams are busy administering vaccinations and taking care to protect us from the virus as well as providing those who contract it with the best care possible. Only a few weeks ago our athletes won Olympic gold medals and brought us international pride.

More than anything else, the crises that befell us this year proved yet again that the ties that connect us are deeper and stronger than the forces that seek to tear them apart or weaken them. That in the moment of truth, every single resident of Israel, of any background and any worldview, has the power to bridge disputes, join hands, and work together to overcome difficulties, and build a model society and flourishing country.

In one of her most beautiful poems, Leah Goldberg writes: "Every year the ground renews itself / the grows white and the citrus golden / Every year many people are born / To tears and to laughter, to unity and hatred / There is someone who wants only good – this year, too."

This year, too, we wish that the old year and its curses will pass, to be replaced by the new one and its blessings. This year, too, we ask only for good. But this shmita year demands introspection. It causes us to think about how it is not enough to long for good – one must act. To do good.

May this new year be good to us. May the country be quiet, and may we learn to relinquish our internal disputes, rivalries, and anger, to lift our gaze and see that we aren't actually so far apart, that only a handshake separates us. Because in the end, we all ask and long for good, and of course health. May it be so.

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