Meir Indor

Lt. Col. (Res.) Meir Indor is the chairman of the Almagor Terror Victims Association.

The virus doesn't differentiate between Right and Left

The protests over the government's handling of the economic fallout from coronavirus are turning into anti-Netanyahu performances, and participants are not following public health regulations.

On my way to the demonstration outside the Prime Minister's Residence, I meet two friends from my hometown, who are now left-wingers.

"How are you?" I ask.

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"When Bibi goes, we'll be friends," R. shouts, with a half-smile.

Have they gone crazy?

I explain to him: Don't think that you're the only ones with feelings. The Right has feelings too … don't try to influence the legal system through demonstrations. Let them work.

Before the argument heats up, I remind him that in the Yom Kippur War, we walked into battle despite the huge mistakes that led up to it, and didn't demand the heads of the leaders of the left-wing government that was in power on a platter.

We are now fighting against a plague the like of which hasn't been seen since the Spanish flu at the end of World War I. When that flu reached Jerusalem, it cut down the Jewish population severely, killing thousands.

The Left, filled with hate and protesting against the Right, still hasn't recognized that there is a battle going on between life and the virus. This can be seen in how they dismiss public health instructions as they did at the demonstration on Tuesday night. No masks, no social distancing. Are they so devoted to their idea that they are willing to take risks? We saw this in the close crowding and lack of discipline at the Tel Aviv demonstration on Saturday, too, which turned into a protest against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid isn't saying it, but the protesters are mainly from an anarchist sector who can be seen at left-wing protests against "the occupation." They really think that coronavirus has been made up. That theory could cost lives because they spread the virus in their families and could drag the moderate Left after them. If that happens, what do we do? They are our brothers. Their relatives could pay the price. Israeli society could wind up paying because, in the end, we are one nation, with one health care system. 

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