Nadav Shragai

Nadav Shragai is an author and journalist.

The 'occupation' narrative hides the shared Hamas-PA goal

The meaning of "'Free Palestine"' is to liberate the world from Jewish sovereignty.


For the past month, the Arab and Muslim world has been conducting a discussion about the monstrous massacre Hamas carried out in the Gaza border communities through the prism of "the occupation." Some – like Palestinian Authority officials – have embraced the killers. Others, like the Emiratis, have condemned them. But both groups share the same view though. Namely, that the "occupation" is what brought about the tragedy of October 7, perpetrated by the new Nazis.

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In the Western "enlightened" world, many are buying into this false narrative.

It is a ruse. When hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Europe and the US chant "Free Palestine" in the streets of London and New York, they seek to make this world Israel-free, regardless of what its borders are, and therefore, the so-called "occupation" bears no relevance as far as they are concerned. The real story is the absolute negation of Israel's existence as a Jewish state, within any territory in the Land of Israel.

From the perspective of the PA and Hamas, "the occupation" began in 1948, not in 1967. Thus, the ultimate goal is to return to the situation before Israel's establishment. In their view, the State of Israel is an anomaly and deviation, "an artificial state," "an unusual state of being," "an organism that refuses to get swallowed by the Muslim way of life." They speak of it, they write about it. The goal is shared; only the methods are different. Hamas has its own ways. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has another way, an incremental way.

One of the means for the Palestinians to strengthen the dream of destroying Israel as a Jewish state is the "exercise of imagination in the practice of return" and the preparation of practical plans for its implementation. One of the "high priests" of the "Palestinian return," Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, outlines part of the plan in his writings.

We should also recognize it: "Lebanon's refugees will return to the Galilee, Gaza's refugees to Beersheba, 175,000 refugees from Jaffa will settle in the Ayalon Park, 45,000 refugees from Safed will reside in the nature reserve of Nahal Amud, Haifa's refugee population will settle in the Carmel Park, 20,000 refugees from Tiberias will live in highrises along the Sea of Galilee...", and so on. In practice, this means the end of the State of Israel in its Jewish/Zionist form and an Arab majority.

Both Hamas and the PLO believe that Israel needs to be eradicated because Jews are not a people or a nation, only a religion. This is how they educate their children. This is what they write in their charters: Both in the Hamas Covenant and in the Palestinian National Charter (Article 20, which there are doubts on whether it was ever amended as promised). This is the source of the stubborn refusal of Abbas and his colleagues (and also of some Israeli Arabs) to agree to the end of the conflict and to recognize the State of Israel in any borders as a Jewish state.

This is what drives Hamas and the monsters it has raised. This is why many Arabs have been talking for years about "liquidation," "putting an end", "eradication," "purification," "expulsion," "choking," "uprooting," "sweeping," "annihilation," and dozens of other terms that all mean the same thing: the elimination of our existence here.

For this purpose, "jihad" and "shuhada" (martyrs) were created, which are highly revered by all Palestinian factions. For this purpose, about 1,300 years ago, the "Laws of Umar" were invented, which Hamas and others have reverted to today. These laws degrade the Jews and relegate them to inferior subjects. For this purpose, the "ribat" was also coined: Islamic territory for which one has to wage a religious war and struggle to defend. From the perspective of the PA and Hamas, all the territories of Israel are "ribat" territories, where the presence of a Jewish state and Jewish sovereignty is unbearable.

So, do not be fooled by the lies of "the occupation." The meaning of "'Free Palestine"' is to liberate the world from Jewish sovereignty within any borders on this land. That is the real story. It is important that the world also comes to terms with this reality.

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