It has to be said: The deep hatred, utter, obsessive hatred The New York Times demonstrates for the elected prime minister of the Jewish state, which is an expression of the paper's fundamental, obsessive grudge against Israel, is looking more and more like a collective mental illness at the editorial offices that could engulf the most important newspaper in the world. More specifically, it looks like a sociopathic disorder, in which those who suffer from it aren't distressed by their personality disorder or their behavior; exhibit lack of compassion and contempt for those around them; are irresponsible; and unwilling to accept any criticism as well as lacking any sense of guilt or remorse and are unburdened by pangs of conscience.
A mere three days after The New York Times International Edition published a classic anti-Semitic cartoon that sparked such outrage that the editors were forced to issue a ridiculous apology, the op-ed section of the paper's international edition has now published another nauseating cartoon, dripping with hatred for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he is seen dressed as Moses, coming down from the Mount carrying a tablet emblazoned with the flag of Israel, while narcissistically taking a selfie.
Well, it was always obvious that The New York Times would find its own way of punishing anyone, especially Israel, who called it out for last week's anti-Semitic cartoon. The punishment came in the form of a poisonous cartoon targeting Netanyahu that was technically lacking any blatant anti-Semitic tropes. We cannot demand an apology for the latest cartoon. It is an "opinion" expressed artistically. This is the only way The New York Times is capable of learning from its mistakes: it makes cosmetic improvements that allow it to continue its obsessive hatred of Israel, without trying to clarify what lies beneath it. That is when the paper's sociopathic disorder comes into play. They have no regret for their despicable actions. In my opinion, they also don't see the problem with the anti-Semitic cartoon.
What's more, the obsessive hatred for Netanyahu – portraying him as the embodiment of evil, drawing him as the devil, spreading lies about him and making him into an evil figure responsible for all the troubles of the world – reflects not only modern-day anti-Semitism, but also Jewish anti-Semitism, which is so common among the Jews at The New York Times. The demonization of Netanyahu replaces the traditional demonization of Jews. The ones who are leading this anti-Semitic line are the "liberal, progressive" Jews in the U.S., Europe, and Israel.
The paper cannot be expected to change its evil ways. We need to stop taking it seriously, and every time its name comes up, we should add the tag "anti-Semitic."