Alan G. Futerman and Walter E. Block

Walter Block and Alan Futerman are co-authors of "The Classical Liberal Case for Israel" (Springer Publishing Company)

The mental mechanics of anti-Zionism

. It does not matter that most Palestinian Arabs are under the civil and security control of either the PA in Judea and Samaria or Hamas in Gaza, Israel is an "occupier" that controls them.


In the 1940s, philosopher of science Carl Gustav Hempel proposed the so-called "raven paradox." The hypothesis that "all ravens are black", or that if "something is a raven, then it is black," is the same as saying that "if something is not black, then it is not a raven." The paradox arises because if someone sees something that is not black, not only can he conclude that it is not a raven, but also reinforce the original hypothesis that all ravens are black. Hence, any observation of any non-black entity confirms the latter.

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The anti-Zionist mental process shares the same structure. Hence, its fundamental proposition is: "Israel is the source of all evil." Hence, it is not only the case that when something good is done by Israel (for instance, helping during a natural disaster in Haiti) it in fact has nefarious intentions (such as stealing the organs of those affected by the disaster), but Israel cannot do good. Conversely, when evil appears anywhere in the world, it is only logical that Israel is behind it. Of course, this is nothing less than the same "Logic" that was once applied to the Jews and is now applied to the Jewish state. By the way, this is the same logical structure of conspiracy theories, whose proponents cannot help but see them everywhere.

As an example, see no further than the explosion outside of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. Of course, mainstream media, reputed human rights NGOs, social media commentators, and protesters who follow the anti-Zionist logic had no choice but to preemptively conclude: Israel did it. Because how could it not? And thus, it was only logical that they take Hamas' word at face value. Obviously, they did not correct themselves once it was clear that Palestinian Islamic Jihad was responsible. If Israel was not behind it, then something must be wrong with reality.

This tautological mental mechanics not only explains the reasoning behind Hamas' original charter, blaming the Jews and Israel for every evil but also the massive parades we are seeing throughout the West. It also explains why "social justice warriors" are tearing down posters of those who have been kidnapped by Hamas and are now being held hostage in Gaza. They are not innocent; how could they be? If they are Israeli, if they were captured by Hamas which by definition can do no wrong, they deserve what they got.

Conversely, this perverse reasoning explains why Hamas assassins are being championed as "freedom fighters," although they could not care less about any freedom, either for Israelis or Palestinian Arabs. If they are killing, raping, torturing, burning Israelis, then they are doing the Lord's work by destroying evil in the world. Moreover, Palestinian Arabs have no agency, but Jews have all the blame, even when it is they who are murdered.

But it does not end there. This same fallacious reasoning is behind the entire logic of intersectionality, colonialism, and the "oppressor-oppressed" narrative. Any group in the world that is identified as oppressed is therefore connected to each and every other such oppressed group. Why? Because if the fundamental premise explaining the logic of how society works is that there is a group that oppresses all the rest, then it is only logical that whenever a group identified as oppressed appears, it is therefore an ally of all the other oppressed groups. Who is the oppressor? Well, in this case, Israel (or, for Hamas, Jews as such). This is why BLM says that "Black Liberation" is "Palestinian Liberation," or why there are "Queers for Palestine" (when the only LGBTQ+ people that Hamas approves of are the ones who are dead). Or why Greta Thunberg associates "Free Palestine" with "Climate Justice." It is always and ever the "Small Satan," Israel, or the "Big Satan," the US, that is at fault.

The other important implication of this type of reasoning is that it is immune to evidence. It does not matter that most Palestinian Arabs are under the civil and security control of either the PA in Judea and Samaria or Hamas in Gaza, Israel is an "occupier" that controls them. It is irrelevant that goods and people flowed in and out of Gaza before October 7, there still was a "blockade." It is of no importance that Israeli "settlements" in Gaza were forcibly dismantled by Israel itself in 2005, but that country is "stealing Palestinian land." If the Palestinian Arab population increases several times since 1948, Israel is "committing genocide" anyway. If 20% of Israel's population is Arab with full rights, Israel is still founded on "ethnic cleansing" and enforces an "Apartheid regime." If Israel defends itself, it is in fact the "aggressor." This is nothing less than a perverted version of Orwellian newspeak.

Conversely, Palestinian Arabs cannot commit any evil, ever. By their very nature as the "oppressed," they are entitled to rape, murder, burn alive, massacre, launch rockets, and all is forgiven, for they are fighting evil incarnate. This is what explains that human rights groups, the UN, or certain governments (or University presidents, for that matter), cannot simply condemn the horrors of October 7. They are all bewitched by this anti-Zionist mental mechanics.

This is also why feminists approve of the raping of women, democrats support totalitarians, atheists share parades with Islamists, human rights groups condone torture, LGBTQ+ members and their allies chant next to homophobes, and sophisticated Ivy League students "contextualize" mass murder.

This tautological mentality is also a form of pathological narcissism. The unfalsifiable nature of the anti-Zionist reasoning assures that any observation confirms its truth. This is why the self-righteous woke protestors at university campuses across America and rallies throughout the West are so sure that their support for genocidal theocrats is a form of the good. They cannot but see it everywhere. In reality, there is only death and destruction.

But this only begins with Israel and the Jews. It will not end there. To borrow a concept by Professor Gad Saad, this type of parasitic mind must be recognized and fought. This must be done before it is too late and this radical form of unreason ends up destroying everything, including those who in their narcissism and comfortable Western campus think they are freeing the oppressed, when in truth they are aiding and abetting the enemies of civilization.

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