The judiciary is imploding

The correspondence exposed between the presiding judge over Case 4,000 and a representative of the Israel Securities Authority clearly reflect the fact that the legal system has lost its way. It has lost the public's trust and it is on the verge of implosion.

The seemingly endless witch hunt against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gone far past the legal sphere and is now embedded deep in psychiatry and criminology. Normally intelligent individuals have begun to act like irresponsible robots, uninhibitedly smashing the foundations of basic honesty and fairness – foundations that are meant to safeguard Israeli democracy.

There is no greater danger to Israel than the loss of public faith in those responsible for law enforcement. Israeli society is on the verge of losing said faith – if it hasn't lost it already.

Let the generation that condemns its judges beware. Who would have thought that in the state's 70th year we would discover that the judiciary has been compromised by those seeking to undermine the very foundation of our life in this country.

As a veteran of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, I believed that that war shook the defense establishment to its core. I have no doubt that Sunday's revelations have shaken the judiciary to its core and have rattled Israeli society ways the implications of which remains to be seen.

Knowing the media and its deep-seated hatred for Netanyahu, it will try to make this case fizzle out. As far as the media is concerned, the end justifies the means, but this time, the media will not have the upper hand. This time, things have gone too far. Before, it was abundantly clear that a corrupt plot has been hatched between the police and the media to topple Netanyahu. Now it is clear the judiciary system is part of it.

When I saw Communication Minister Director General Shlomo Filber's face on the television screen, it was clear that in his shaken psychological state, he would have confessed to a murder he did not commit. Anyone who hears what investigators did to former Netanyahu spokesman Nir Hefetz knows that the treatment terrorists receive on the demand of the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel is probably better. Jewish suspects the police would like to see help take down the prime minister have no such defenses.

The same judge who collaborated with the ISA investigator, defying all procedures and regulations, is the same judge who ordered Filber's suspension from the Communications Ministry and sent him to the holding cell to apparently allow investigators to break him. Who knows what "adjustments" she made in this case? As scripture says, "We were as in Sodom, like in Gomorrah." (Isaiah 1:9)

One can only guess what is going through the minds of Israelis these days. Before their very eyes, on a daily basis, reports show that the left-wing media and the police are colluding to take down the right-wing government in a ploy that is nothing short of a coup.

This putrefaction runs so deep it screams to high heavens, and the investigation is tainted to the point of posing a real threat to Israeli democracy. Merely dismissing the judge is not enough.

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