Israeli left-wing supporters are in shock. The day after the massacre they discovered that worldwide left-wing activists had abandoned them. The so-called shared values, say, against infanticide, against rape, against burning people, proved to be very flexible for the Western left, and within a week of the massacre, their stance turned into a united attack against the right of the State of Israel to exist. If it weren't sad, it would be entertaining.
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The global Left turned out to be very progressive in its antisemitism. In the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, for example, many were deeply offended. There are many editorials from left-wing supporters explaining their disappointment with the global left-wing community. Suddenly they discovered that Western universities are a poison swamp and of twisted incitement against Jews in the name of universal justice.
This leads us to the most-watched sketch on "Eretz Nehederet" history (the Israeli version of Saturday Night Live). The sketch depicts queer students from Columbia University protesting with a Palestinian flag wrapped in a pride flag. This could have been something on "Latma" (a right-wing satirical news show) a decade ago.
After seeing the sketch, I tweeted that if a month and a half ago I had appeared in a monologue on TV with an LGBT and Palestinian flag – I would have been slaughtered. The truth is that it is frustrating: No matter how many articles have been written about the sick woke culture and about the campuses that had become addicted to anti-Western theories and no matter how many clips we bring showing the destructive progressive mutation – the Israeli Left continued to call the Right fascists, messianic, homophobes, etc.
Then comes someone from the same ideology who curses us, the progressive Muli Segev who creates the content for "Eretz Nehederet," and says the same things that we said, and does not admit that he is actually part of the same global problem, with the same progressive disease that had taken over the Left. During Operation Cast Lead, "Eretz Nehederet" gave then-IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi a Phosphoric Globe Award as a means of criticizing the military for killing children. If Israel's "flagship TV program" said this – what do you want from ignorant students in LA?
To understand why the people of the Israeli Left are confused today by the conduct of their counterparts in the West, to understand why students at Harvard are Hamas supporters who blame Israel for the massacre, and how this has to do with transgenders, one must review the history – especially that of Marxism and its various iterations.
Let's start with the French Revolution – which promised Liberté, égalité, fraternité – and then delivered blood, murder, and terror. Then came Marx, communism, and the class warfare. According to the thesis, the working class, the Western proletariat, will be the subject of the revolution and will overthrow the bourgeois democracies. It did not work. By World War I, the British working class no longer saw the German working class as equals but instead as their bitter enemy. Nationalism beat the class war.
Ze'ev Jabotinsky understood this perfectly as shown in the parable of the human orchestra. "Each instrument has its own unique sound, and each nation has its own special spiritual structure. These unique tones of each nationality must be cherished and perfected – a violin should not be played like a trombone, nor the Czech should be like the French. The meaning of life is not a uniform haircut for everyone – but versatility and harmony for countless people of individual character, who are very different from one another. Nationalism is an expression of the individuality of nations." So, if there is no working class that is right for a class war that will save the world from capitalist oppression, what will the Marxist thinkers do? They will find some other group to carry the flag.
Now we jump to the 1950s and 1960s when Herbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt School (Jews, of course) enter the fray. In a nutshell, they made a switch: The oppressed Western working class, which, as previously stated, does not want a class war, has been replaced by the ultimate "oppressed", the "weakened" nature of the Third World. This is the point where the idea was born that the weak and the poor and the screwed up are always right, even when they commit heinous crimes.
After 9/11, after al-Qaida and ISIS, this line of thinking weakened. It's hard to blindly support millionaires who destroy towers, or monsters who rape Yazidi women and sell them as slaves in the market in Mosul.
But fear not – another branch of the Marxist lineage, postmodernism, came to the rescue. From now on, the liberation from the oppressive Western democracy is done through a personal and physical journey. Not just ethnic identity politics, but gender identity politics.
I'm talking about the large increase in gender adjustments in the Western world in the last decade and a half, and the fact that the progressive academic establishment encourages all the madness surrounding it, including re-education for those who refused to accept the negation of nature, including through woke-oriented sex education for preschoolers.
Today it is the symbol of the Enlightenment, but actually, the movement is a virus of the Marxist revolution, which seeks to dismantle the West.
But then came the October 7 massacre, and suddenly everything came together. The red and the pink met the green of Hamas, and the global left-wing movement joined – and not for the first time – with animalistic antisemitism in its most monstrous form. For the ignorant students, whose values and cognitive world are rooted in the universities poisoned by Qatari money funding, supporting Hamas is like bullying Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro into silence. A revolutionary act.
Nor is it surprising just how many Jews are part of this. It is impossible not to recall Berl Katznelson's speech on May 1, 1936: "As long as it is possible for a Jewish child to come to the Land of Israel, a child nurtured by the suffering of generations and the burden of the soul of generations, and here he will be infected with self-hatred bacteria, of 'slavery within the revolution', and devour his mind to such an extent that he will see social redemption in the Palestinian Nazis, who managed to concentrate here in Israel the zoological antisemitism of Europe and the desire for violence in the East – our conscience will know no peace."
But I am optimistic because of Europe. The government's support for Israel indicates that perhaps Europe is finally waking up from the progressive dream. The West is beginning to understand that an ideology that seeks to create a world without identities, nationalities, languages, or historical connections will collapse in on itself.
The ideology of selection turned out to be an illusion. We don't choose our name, our native language, or the words we sing in the national anthem at the end of the ceremony. Humans are born into an identity context – historical, national, and familial –- and they make their choices among these.
Huge demonstrations in European capitals of Islamists who support infanticide and rape of women are arising panic among sane Europeans. The scene is so frightening that it is enough to overpower even traditional antisemitism.
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