Diplomats are currently gathered in the city of Katowice, Poland for the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or in other words, the conference to oversee the implementation of the "Paris Agreement" from 2015, whose primary goal is to decrease billions of tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The level of CO2 emissions is, of course, on a steady rise, but temperatures, as I have explained on multiple occasions, refuse to play along with this festival of lies.
Although French President Emmanuel Macron yearns to transition to green energy, it is limited, expensive and not very accessible. And yet to remain committed to the Paris Agreement, he declared a tax increase on fuel consumption to subsidize green energy projects based on daydreams. We are now witnessing the French public's powerful response to Macron's policies.
So what are the French sages of Chelm doing to purify their green consciences? How does one join the "war on global warming"? As we know, 75% of France's energy resources come from nuclear power plants, whose operation does not result in CO2 emissions [except in the processes for mining and refining uranium ore and making nuclear fuel]. The sages passed a decision to decrease the use of nuclear energy by 50% for all electricity purposes, effectively shuttering the nuclear power plants. And where will the electricity come from? Why, "from green energy, renewable, accessible, cheap, from the wind and sun," of course. The green Chelm sages also decided to ban searching for natural gas, while in the United States the transition from coal to gas is the main cause for emission reductions. If this reminds you of how the green coalition behaved, often violently, in Israel to protest searching for natural gas, it's probably not a coincidence.
The first step is to devise a lie that increasing CO2 concentrations raises the planet's temperature, despite the fact that no actually knows what constitutes a dangerous increase and what is safe. Then you whoop like a crane that the earth is heating up and the end of humanity is near. And who is to blame? Man, of course. The same people taking great pains to teach us that man is not the center of the universe, and that Mother Nature should be treated graciously, are heaping the weight of the world on man.
Here's the truth about global warming in laymen's terms: Man's contribution to CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere is precisely one per mille. CO2 emissions comprise 3.5% of greenhouse gases, and man's contribution is 3.5% – and there you have a contribution of one per mille. And the march of lies continues unabated.
An unprecedented agreement was signed in Paris and it means that people will continue to barter in CO2 emissions and continue pressing the world to move to renewable energy while treating the taxpayers' pockets as bottomless bits. Green energy is an illusion. Germany has already invested $600 billion in green energy and will continue investing until 2025 in efforts to minimize CO2 emissions. What has been accomplished? Emission levels haven't been reduced and electricity prices have soared. Paris is burning because the government is using the people's taxes to "help save the planet." Thus France is learning, and with it the rest of the world, that a green planet comes at a cost and it is a painful one.