Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen

Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen is a senior research fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies.

The fight for the open space

For decades now, the Palestinians have understood the essence of their struggle better than us. The purpose of our struggle also used to be clear and we'd be wise to embrace it again: We aspire to an existence in the land of our forefathers in all its fields and open spaces, not just behind our gated "villas in the jungle."

The murderous terrorist attack at Danny Spring near Ein Buvin is a reflection of the ancient struggle over territorial control.

The story is about far more than mere unbridled evil striking down a father and his children on a Friday afternoon summer hike. It's a simple matter: Jews and Arabs aren't only fighting over freedom of movement in the open space, but over who controls it. This struggle assumes many different forms, spanning all corners of the land, from the Galilee to the Negev. From the Palestinian perspective, Jews can perhaps exist in their city high-rises and engage in their white-collar occupations, high-tech, and commerce – this is their place as Jews. The open space, on the other hand – the fields, springs, and pastures – these the Arab must control. We should examine the significance of the "villa in the jungle" metaphor, posited by Ehud Barak to describe Israel's existential experience. In their fervor for security, the Jews deem to only exist in spaces surrounded by fences, a type of upscale, safe ghetto whose boundaries they dare not exit.

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The murderous terrorist attack also took aim at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's promise that no Jewish communities will be uprooted in any future peace deal. They will remain in their homes, perhaps, as per Netanyahu's promise, but they will forever be trapped inside their fenced and fortified communities. The open space, however, will be dominated by the Palestinians. This, it appears, also forms the basis for the idea behind US President Donald Trump's deal of the century.

As if the fight for the fields, springs, and pastures is a relic of a past world. With the advent of technological progress, with a nudge from the "genetic handicap" of the ghetto Jews who were forced into crowded cities while in exile, there is no value in fighting for control of the open space.

For decades now the Palestinians have understood the essence of their struggle better than us. The purpose of our struggle also used to be clear, and we'd be wise to embrace it again: We aspire to an existence in the land of our forefathers in all its fields and open spaces, not just behind our gated "villas in the jungle."

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