The battle for the national homeland

We must not gamble on the inexperienced and the myopic. On Tuesday, the campaign for the future of the national home will be decided. Don't say you didn't understand the importance of your vote.

The entire nation of Israel salutes the Israel Defense Forces for its efforts to bring the body of fallen soldier Zachary Baumel home for burial. This is also the time to praise the diplomatic echelon, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which succeeded in enlisting Russian President Vladimir Putin to this end. I was struck with emotion at the sight of the Russian memorial ceremony in honor of an Israeli soldier.

This strange election campaign is about to come to a close, and the left-wing bloc, led by the Blue and White party, has been unable to find a fundamental issue around which it could spark genuine debate. The reason for this is clear: The right-wing government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has led Israel to tremendous achievements. Thanks to his excellent relationship with Putin, the Israel Air Force is able to act forcefully against Iran's military entrenchment in Syria. U.S. President Donald Trump relocated the American Embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Saudi Arabia, along with other Gulf Arab states and Central American countries turn to Netanyahu for assistance with the Trump administration. African presidents meet with the prime minister in a sign of their prestige.

One can only chuckle at former Prime Minister Ehud Barak's warning that Israel was on the brink of a "diplomatic tsunami," and Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz's remarks that under Netanyahu, Israel is in decline.

The economy is thriving, Israelis are happy, entrepreneurship is booming. Bridges and interchanges connect the center of the country to what was once the periphery in the North and the South. The new roads being built cannot keep up with the pace of the purchase of new cars. Israel's skies are open, and trips abroad are no longer just luxuries for the rich. Efforts are being made to bring down housing costs, the justice system is being challenged in order to balance the various government authorities and Israeli students are marking impressive achievements in numerous fields. More importantly, a humanitarian arrangement is currently being formulated that will prevent the need to endanger soldiers' lives by sending them into the swamp that is the Gaza Strip, as well as to prevent the killing of Gazans, who serve as human shields for terrorism. It is, therefore, no surprise that the left-wing bloc chose the path of defamation under the slogan "Anyone but Bibi." Masochists will ask to replace excellent leadership just because it has been successful for over 10 years.

The victory of the Right is dependent on voter turnout and the conduct of the satellite parties. According to the polls, Blue and White is set to receive more Knesset seats than the Likud. Polls, as we know, are not precise, they only reflect trends. But seeing as the battle is over the national home, members of the Right are obligated to vote. Those who in their indifference crown a leadership devoid of political experience and ability will have only themselves to blame. A wise man sees the future; the fool laments the past.

When I was released from the hospital following a serious injury sustained in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, I went back to studying philosophy at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Moshe Kroy taught a class I took on English and American philosophy. His lectures focused on the childish views of the late Ayn Rand, who painted the world in black in white. We started off with five students. Two weeks later, Kroy was interviewed on TV and claimed he would never help a person with disabilities cross the street because to his mind, it's "every man for himself." After the interview, the class was moved to an auditorium. Potheads, anarchists, bohemians and just your run-of-the-mill egoists would fill the hall.

Zehut party voters remind me of that period in my life. Libertarians, cannabis, the messianic and just unaligned voters. Zehut leader Moshe Feiglin says he is open to offers and will throw his support behind the highest bidder. Those on the right who are contemplating voting for Feiglin are either wrong or misleading others. Feiglin's friend Rabbi Haim Amsalem has already demonstrated a penchant for political flexibility. Another member of the party opposes circumcision. A vote for Feiglin poses a genuine threat to the continuation of a right-wing government. A majority of his supporters are confused young religious people following a pied piper who has convinced them that the Third Temple will be built with tax funds the government collects on cannabis.

Love of the homeland is now more glorious than ever. Jerusalem is always united in our hearts, and the Land of Israel in its entirety will never be abandoned. We have been privileged to see the realization of the vision of the prophets, and we will not allow those of little faith to suppress the dream. We will never abandon the Judean Hills to the enemy, and we will ensure the best and most experienced are behind the wheel.

We must not gamble on the inexperienced and the myopic. On Tuesday, the campaign for the future of the national home will be decided. Don't say you didn't understand the importance of your vote.

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