There is a massive gulf in public opinion regarding the latest US election and whether the American election system is flawed or not. Those who voted for former Vice President Joe Biden are convinced that there were no abnormalities. Those who supported the president are either concerned about election tampering or convinced the election was stolen.
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After all of the investigations are complete, regardless of the outcome, there will still be a significant percentage of the US electorate that will likely remain unconvinced. In light of this, it may well make sense for Americans to look at other voting systems. Israel's should be a model to consider.
Given Israel's high-tech prowess, one might imagine that its election would also be a high-tech experience with instantaneous results. Yet, the reality is quite the contrary. An Israeli election more closely resembles a high school election for student council president.
Voters typically come to their local school and are checked in by a paid election commission employee flanked on both sides by representatives of the political parties. After showing their ID card, they receive an envelope. Then they go behind a screen and pick the paper card that represents their political party or candidate. They put the piece of paper in the envelope. They come out from behind the screen and then in front of everyone put the envelope in a simple cardboard box with a slit in the top.
After voting concludes for the day, the same poll watchers open the envelopes, count the paper slips and together with the paid staff, report the totals. They also need to confirm that the number of envelopes collected is equal to the number of those who entered the "classroom."
According to Marty Ingall, a poll watcher for Zehut at a Jerusalem precinct in the last election, "it was a very pleasant experience. At one point, we were off by one vote. When we cross-checked, we recounted and found the error. We finished our work just after midnight."
While the United States allows US citizens living in Israel to vote remotely, Israel does not let Israeli citizens not physically present in Israel to vote. A small number of Israelis who live overseas actually make it a point to fly to Israel for election day. Israel does not have an early voting process or mail-in process. Election Day in Israel is also a holiday, so there is no pressure to find time to vote. The day has the atmosphere of a celebration of democracy and reflects the belief that regardless of the outcome, with help from above, Israel will survive.
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That isn't to say that the Israeli system doesn't have its problems. Yet, given the accusations flying in America, it may be time to look at a different model. The level of distrust in the United States can be a cancer, eating at its foundations. Democracy only works if citizens trust the electoral process. Israel may have something to teach the United States in this regard.
Reprinted with permission from