Nurit Greenger

Nurit Greenger is a writer and journalist who focuses on humanitarian issues.

Rashida Tlaib's hypocritical stance

The Democratic congresswoman, who claims to be a champion of human rights, supports Armenian aggression, occupation, and ethnic cleansing in Azerbaijan.

First-term US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) supports occupation and ethnic cleansing.

Having a clear problem with Jews and the Jewish state, Tlaib often blames Israel for "occupying Palestine" and holds it responsible for the Palestinian refugee issue, which she regards as an example of "ethnic cleansing."

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Yet, she makes a U-turn when it comes to Armenia's illegal military occupation and ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijan's Karabakh region. She unabashedly supports this internationally condemned occupation, in opposition to 28 years of bipartisan US policy and four binding UN Security Council resolutions.

According to an October 8, 2019 article published by the Los Angeles-based Armenian newspaper Asbarez, the Armenian National Committee of Michigan recently met with Tlaib to discuss issues important to the American-Armenian community of Michigan and committed to co-sponsor two House resolutions aimed at improving relations between the US and Armenia.

The impression is that Tlaib has become a political prisoner the Michigan Armenian lobby that in all likelihood has been greasing her political career, helped her to gain a congressional seat.

Armenia's Nazi adulation

Armenia continues defending its glorification of Garegin Nzhdeh, a general who assisted the Armenian Legion of the Wehrmacht during World War II. Two memorials for Nzhdeh were erected in Armenia: one in 2003 in Kapan and the other in 2016 in Yerevan. In a statement, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev lamented that "unfortunately, the new authorities in Armenia have not dismantled this monument."

Armenian National Committee of America's anti-Semitic trend

The ANCA has its roots in the ultranationalist and radical Dashnak movement and is the lobbyist arm of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, also known as the Dashnak Party. In the early 1930s, Dashnak members publicly lauded Adolf Hitler's agenda, using media outlets such as Asbarez in California and Hairenik in Massachusetts to thank Hitler and the Nazis for their efforts to "cleanse Europe of Jews," as well as calling the Holocaust a necessary "surgical operation" and Jews "poisonous elements."

Post-war ANCA became infamous for its radicalism and dubious activities. Mourad Topalian, who sat on ANCA-Western Region board until 2018 and was suspected of associating with the terrorist organization Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide, was convicted for conspiracy, storing stolen explosives and owning two machine guns. ANCA bestowed on its "Freedom Award" in 2000.

Nowadays, ANCA continues to promote anti-Semitism, albeit in a masked form, and often attacks Israel. It actively lobbies Congress to pressure Israel to change its foreign policy vis-à-vis Azerbaijan, a Muslim-majority country that has close ties to the Jewish state.

It should be no surprise that Tlaib sides with such a radical, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel lobby. She is cut from the same cloth.

'Artsakh' is a nonexisting entity

The Artsakh Travel and Communication Act, one of the pro-Armenia bills that Tlaib co-sponsored, is one of ANCA's major legislative initiatives, and part of ANCA's ongoing effort to legitimize the "Republic of Artsakh," a sham country established on Armenian-occupied Azerbaijani territory.

In 1991-1994, Armenian forces occupied one-fifth of Azerbaijan's territory, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which Armenia renamed "Artsakh," and from which it expelled more than 800,000 Azerbaijani civilians. Together with 250,000 Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia itself, the number of Azerbaijani refugees soon exceeded a million people. Due to this ethnic cleansing, Karabakh is currently populated only by Armenians while the displaced Azerbaijanis are barred from returning to their homes and land.

Armenia's aggressive and unlawful occupation of Azerbaijan's territory was also accompanied by massacres of Azerbaijani civilians. The largest took place in the Azerbaijani town of Khojaly on February 26, 1992. Armenian and Russian troops invaded the town, massacred 613 Azerbaijani civilians, including around 300 children, women, and elderly men.

In 1993, UN Security Council adopted four resolutions – 822, 853, 874, and 884 – all of which reaffirm Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, demanding an immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from all of the occupied regions. To date, Armenia has refused to fulfill these legally binding resolutions.

To conceal its illegal occupation while promoting its aggression, Armenia has created on Azerbaijan's lands the fictitious "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" or "Republic of Artsakh" as it is now called. The entire international community, with the exception of Armenia, recognizes Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, borders, and sovereignty while no country has recognized Artsakh "independence."

Someone should ask Tlaib, a self-proclaimed "defender of human rights": Why are you giving your full and unconditional support to an unlawful military occupation and ethnic cleansing that has caused over a million Azerbaijani civilians to become refugees? Are campaign contributions from Armenian special interest groups significant enough and your own anti-Semitic sentiments strong enough to justify this hypocrisy?

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