Until Monday, I didn't know what a "bot" was. People told me there was a headline in Yedioth Ahronoth about bots. Innocently, I thought that Yedioth had worked with The New York Times to expose some worldwide Russian spy ring that was about to seize all the information held by the Israel Police, including the Lahav 433 Major Crimes Unit, and by doing so cause certain cases to be closed.
I quickly went over the content of the "exposé" and discovered that all the fuss was about Israelis, not robots, who were disseminating material on social media anonymously. It took me 30 minutes to stop laughing at the revelation. As usual, every amusing item in the leftist media is colored by suspicion of criminal activity and is followed up. It looks as if this was a Munchausen-style exposé and that Yedioth Ahronoth is already preparing excuses for when Blue and White – which the paper is backing – loses.
Very quickly, it turned out that the bots weren't robots but rather good citizens, like myself, who were trying to confront the fake media that for decades had served the left-wing parties with almost religious zeal.
Many people on the Left are good folks who love the country. I have had friends like these for years. But it's hard for them to accept the fact that the people are moving to the right. The soldiers stationed near the Gaza border hold all sorts of different opinions and worldviews. The root of the problem lies with the political leadership on the Left, which is not focused on what is important, opting instead to deal with slander and schisms. The media puffs up the false stories from Blue and White, slanders Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, incites against the Right, and with considerable talent portrays Israel as a failing state. This pack of lies is repeated tirelessly and sometimes sticks in the minds of people who are struck down by hatred.
I am proud to be a right-wing "bot" who tries to show Israelis what they certainly already know. Israel is a wonderful place to live. Construction cranes fill the skyline; Jews have submarines that can secretly deploy anywhere; and its jet airplanes light up the Middle East skies. There isn't enough space to write about everything.
A week from today, Rachamim and Rabinowitz in Yeroham; Silberstein and Ovadia in Tel Aviv; and many others nationwide will choose their future leaders. Their choice will go over the heads of politicians who talk about the wonders of democracy they try to keep their hatred in check, and regardless of the hostile media. Israel is a country whose free citizens are not influenced by bots masquerading as investigative journalists.