João Lemos Esteves

João Lemos Esteves is a lecturer in the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon as well as a political and security analyst.

President Bolsonaro opened (sleepy) Biden's eyes

Joe Biden's Democratic Party is more concerned with foreign countries' politics, like Brazil or Israel, than with the American people.

During the first debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the Democrat decided to propose a defense of forest initiative – however, it is not be applied in the USA, rather it is aimed at the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. Biden, who is always preaching tolerance and respect for others, is the one who is running in a political platform which, quite frankly, is more concerned with foreign governments' decisions than really with American problems and future challenges.

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The American people do not know where Joe Biden actually stands in a wide range of matters that are so relevant for the US future: He says everything and their exact opposite, depending on the audience and on the day.

Joe Biden is therefore the right face to show what the (non-democratic) Democrat Party is all about these days: a party without ideas.

I do not think there is any room for reasonable disagreement on this conclusion: Joe Biden's Democrat Party is more concerned with foreign countries' politics, like Brazil or Israel, than with the American people.

The only thing Joe Biden was articulate about in the first debate was his proposal to "stop deforestation" of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil.

And he even put his rough face to say that either Brazil accepts his financial aid or face economic consequences.

President Jair Bolsonaro and Brazilian officials replied to Joe Biden. The Brazilian President straightforwardly refused to accept Joe Biden's plan (or whatever one might call it), defending his constitutional authority and Brazilian sovereignty.

President Bolsonaro accused Joe Biden of globalist illegal appetites, describing Biden's words as absolutely "shameful". Amazon rainforest problems are to be solved by Brazilian democratic and legitimate institutions, according to their will.

And, of course, with international cooperation; not with international submission or coercion.

President Bolsonaro was right in the note reacting to Joe Biden: he is not running for President of the World; he is running for President of the USA. André Henrique Gomes da Fonseca, future Brazilian Ambassador to Portugal, gave Joe Biden a lesson on diplomacy: Allies and friends nations do not threaten, as Joe Biden did, especially when ties are closer than ever before; allies and friends nation work together, pursuing common goals.

President Jair Bolsonaro and Ambassador André Gomes da Fonseca have already taught Biden a lesson. Will the American people do the same.

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