In the days when American liberalism had not yet jumped off track towards the warped "progressive" agenda, one leading and wise liberal supplied brilliant wording to one of deepest insights of politics and human behavior. Based on the famous quote by Lord Acton, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely," Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson said: "Power corrupts, but lack of power corrupts absolutely." In any struggle, especially when open democratic societies battle authoritarian, aggressive and violent elements, at home and abroad, nothing is worse than showing weakness.
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President Theodore Roosevelt suggested: "speak softly and carry a big stick." It is worthy using "soft" means when the opponent and enemy understand it is backed up by crushing force and a readiness to use it once the softness hits a deadlock. Leaders in democratic societies who tried to speak softly with radicals and negotiate with them have only brought tragedy and encouraged violence due to a lack of deterrence.
Among the open, democratic and pluralist elements, and between themselves, it is worth designing a compromise at the negotiating table. The radical and violent elements have a need to demonstrate – as a precondition to dialogue – determination, a willingness to confront, and sustainable staying-power.
Biden apparently insists on learning some lessons the hard way. Even when he adopts tough rhetoric, he focuses his words on minor issues on the global agenda - Putin's character, and human rights in China. Since Biden is not obligated, as Obama was, to a dogmatic ideology of weakness, it's still early to pass judgment. He may yet come to his senses. But it is clear that the US's enemies are smelling weakness – and are responding, as expected, with provocations. China's policy with Taiwan, the aggressiveness of Iran and its subsidiaries, the concentration of Russian forces on the border with Ukraine and the firing of North Korean missiles to the Sea of Japan all signal the same thing.
The US allies – in India, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, Eastern Europe, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel – have reason to worry. And this is not just about foreign policy: millions of migrants, who want to escape the chaos and distress in central America, assume the US is in fact losing its sovereignty on the border with Mexico and are arriving en masse.
Iran is aware of Biden's weak negotiating point and is trying to dictate, with defiance and threats, an insulting deal that will portray him as weak. His attempts to look aggressive are obvious, bordering on pathetic: a demand to stop Iran's activities that go against the nuclear deal as a precondition to removing sanctions, and a very limited bombing in Syria against Iranian-backed militias. The Iranians aren't impressed, rightfully so. Right after Biden set them those tough conditions, his administration began to water them down and sound voices of retreat. They know his "soft tone" is not backed with a "big stick" and a willingness for continued confrontation. It's not certain they will even let him fold in a way that won't embarrass the US
Biden makes sure to tarnish his ties with regional allies. He harmed the necessary trust with Jerusalem when he appointed a senior official who oversees the most critical issue for its security, known in Israel for his unfriendly attitude. He personally hurt the crown prince in Saudi Arabia, who is essentially its leader, and is carefully pushing internal reforms and is acting seriously to disconnect from radical Islamic circles.
In Yemen, the public American sanctions on aid to Saudi Arabia intensified the provocations of rebels backed by Iran. Bahrain and Kuwait understood the damages of the new US policy and publicly expressed their fears. President a-Sisi is preparing himself for the worst. Pro-US states – Jordan, Morocco, and others – know the drill from the Obama (and Carter) days and understand the consequences of this change.
On the Iranian issue, so crucial for Israel, one can only hope the Iranians will continue to portray a difficult stance, one that even Biden won't be willing to accept. They may do so, due to the pitiful stance of the US, while relying on the strategic agreement with China, even though its chances of realization will be determined in the global arena. If Iran gives Biden a reason for a conciliatory policy that will allow the ayatollahs to realize their regional plan, Israel will have to act in a severe and dangerous manner.
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