Nurit Greenger

Nurit Greenger is a writer and journalist who focuses on humanitarian issues.

Personae non gratae

When US Reps. Omar and Tlaib allowed a terrorist-sympathizing group to organize their planned visit, they made themselves unwanted in the country. Israel should not have vacillated; it must respond resolutely in such cases.

US Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) are the new face of the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. That was enough to turn them into personae non gratae in the country. And when they allowed a terrorist-sympathizing group to organize their planned trip, their provocation could not be ignored.

Israel must learn to face such scenarios with one word: sovereignty.

After Omar and Tlaib were informed that they would not be granted entry visas to Israel to facilitate a visit to "Palestine," Tlaib pleaded with Interior Minister Aryeh Deri to grant a visa on humanitarian grounds: She felt a sudden urge to visit her elderly grandmother, whom she neglected to visit since 2006.

In a signed declaration, Tlaib promised to keep a low profile and avoid bashing Israel while in the country. But the point was moot: Despite being granted her request, Tlaib decided not to visit, citing "humiliating" conditions.

The freshman congresswomen's trip was planned by MIFTAH, a nongovernmental organization headed by Hanan Ashrawi, a longtime anti-Israel activist, academic, and member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

NGO Monitor reports that MIFTAH is a member of the Aman Coalition, which accused Israel of "stealing" and having "racist goals." Becket Adams, in the Washington Examiner, described MIFTAH as "an exceptionally anti-Semitic group that praises Palestinian terrorists and claims Jews used the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover. The organization also publishes neo-Nazis and calls for the destruction of Israel."

Omar and Tlaib planned their stunt carefully. Well aware of Israel's 2017 law permitting the country to bar pro-BDS activists from entering the country, they knew it was likely their visa applications would be rejected. Showing this was the point from the outset and was partially frustrated by Deri's granting of entry on humanitarian grounds.

Omar and Tlaib had no real interest in visiting Israel, and indeed, their itinerary made no mention of Israel. They could have entered the West Bank quietly, through Jordan. But their purpose was to put a foot on the ground in Israel, just as the ancient victor put his leg on his dead foe's head.

Omar has employed anti-Semitic tropes to accuse American Jews of dual loyalty.

Earlier this year, addressing Marygrove College in Detroit, Tlaib claimed she is "more Palestinian in the halls of Congress than I am anywhere in the country, in the world." Couldn't that be considered dual loyalty?

Tlaib also accused US senators of duel loyalty for supporting a bill that contains anti-BDS provisions, tweeting that they "forgot what country they represent." Yet no senator pointed out her obvious hypocrisy.

Only President Donald Trump has had the temerity to do that. Is it any wonder, after she promised that "we're going to impeach the motherfucker"?

Trump's pro-Israel critics claim he is turning support for the Jewish state into a partisan issue. But it is those who wish to ruin Israel economically, not the president, who are doing that.

Americans greatly benefit from Israeli scientific research and development, much of which is spurred by broad US-Israel cooperation. Boycotting, divesting from and sanctioning Israel would shoot all Americans, including Omar's and Tlaib's constituents, in the foot.

Does the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric of Tlaib and Omar, often delivered alongside theatrical claims of victimhood as Muslim women of color, really serve the best interests of voters in Michigan's 13th and Minnesota's 5th congressional districts?

In fact, as the strongest and most open, liberal, and moderate force in the Middle East, a prosperous Israel – not one diminished and destabilized – aligns with regional, US, and world interests.

Israel was also not without fault in this incident. Unfortunately, as happens too often, government officials vacillated between yes and no. If it had adopted a more level-headed approach, it would have replied to Omar and Tlaib's visa applications as follows:

"With much respect for you as US Congress members, we regretfully decline your application. As of March 6, 2017, Israeli law bans anti-Israel activists and boycotters from entering the country. The people of Israel have established this law to protect themselves from dangerous anti-Israel detractors. Supporters of the BDS movement, like you, are personae non gratae in our country. You have been disrespectful to Israel's sovereignty and propagate terrible distortions and lies about our country. Slandering Israel is a form of anti-Semitism. We wish things were different. If you change course and cease from disseminating anti-Israel propaganda, please notify us and we will re-evaluate your request to visit our country. Be blessed."

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