The first day of school is an exciting moment for us all. Students, teachers, principals, and parents – every one of us takes part in the shared experience.
Today, I think back to my excitement on the morning of my first day of first grade at Hadarom Elementary School in Jerusalem (its name was later changed to honor Henrietta Szold).
The notebooks, the blackboard, the chalk (which we older people still remember very well), the wonderful teachers, and friends.
To you, dear students, I wish great success this school year. Stick to it, work hard, and don't stop reading and broadening your horizons.
And from you, our wonderful teachers, I have one main request: Teach our pupils about Zionism and excellence. The State of Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, a Jewish and democratic state that protects the individual rights of all its citizens, both Jews and non-Jews. Every child in Israel has the right to fulfill himself or herself and to contribute to Israeli society and the country.
Israel rests on four kinds of strength that we are constantly developing: economic power, military power, diplomatic power, and spiritual power. The fourth, which is built on educating our children in our national and historic values, is the most important.
Dear students, good luck. Don't stop reading, don't stop learning, and enjoy recess.