Contrary to predictions, since the start of the war, nearly 20,000 new olim have arrived in Israel. I predict that in the year following the war, 100,000 Jews from the diaspora will begin the Aliyah process.
The Oct. 7 massacre was meticulously planned and funded by antisemitic states and organizations, which managed to hide behind various names and labels, including "human rights organizations." Today, everyone openly acknowledges what we already knew: these are organizations that have promoted terror agendas for years and paved the way for sowing conflict against Jews in Israel and the diaspora.
As the attack began, antisemitic tentacles spread across the globe, flooding the media with lies, incitement, and fact distortion.
Simultaneously, protests erupted where signs calling for the destruction of Israel were raised without hindrance. Jewish students worldwide have since faced brutal, physical, and verbal attacks. Masks have been removed from the faces of leaders and states globally. The executioner has become the victim, and the victim – the murderer. We witness a 600% increase in antisemitic harassment and even the murder of Jews. And the world? Silent.
During one of our most challenging times, nations that have emblazoned "Never Again" on their banners turn their backs on the Jewish people. Countries that have experienced terror (and may yet experience it again, sadly) harshly criticize us, threaten sanctions, and ignore the absurdity of their stance. These are countries where antisemitism is soaring, who have fallen asleep on watch or have hidden their hatred of Jews while portraying themselves as promoters of "human rights, freedom, and justice for all." It seems that murder, rape, abuse of women and children, and kidnapping people from their homes do not justify, in their eyes, our right to respond as a sovereign state.
The path to establishing the State of Israel was paved, first and foremost, to return to the land from which we were forcibly expelled, to hold onto it, and to build