João Lemos Esteves

João Lemos Esteves is a lecturer in the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon as well as a political and security analyst.

No Ukraine, no gain

The impeachment proceedings launched by the Democrats are just confirmation of the so-called "collusion delusion" they have had for years. But Trump is not going anywhere.

The United States of America is a powerful country with an extraordinary democratic system. Even in its darkest times, it has always been a beacon for the whole world, for all those who believe in freedom and individual political empowerment.

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And democracy is not an easy game or an activity made to be funny or a pinnacle of good morals or courtesy; democracy is rather a confrontational civic forum through which people face and settle their healthy divergences of thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives.

Therefore, conflict in democracies (under the rule of law) is as an expression of civil society's mobilization and is something one should celebrate, not condemn or undervalue.

America is strong because its people are strong (as President Donald Trump often says) and keeps shining a bright light on our best democratic aspirations.

Having said this, the Democrats in Congress still do not understand the American people's feelings and political aspirations.

Democracy needs a certain humility from political representatives and elected officials, whether they belong to the most politicized organs of the government or the most bureaucratic ones.

The impeachment proceedings launched by the Democrats as a consequence of Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president is just confirmation of the so-called "collusion delusion."

They wanted to impeach Trump because of an alleged secret conspiracy set up by the Republican campaign and the Kremlin's top personalities; then, they discovered Michael Cohen, who used to work for Donald Trump, and went on to start a new investigation regarding Trump's alleged mistress; in between, the Democrats found Michael Avenatti – a Californian lawyer – who persuaded Stormy Daniels to go public and tell her stories about Trump (she even wrote a book and considered running for the Democratic nomination for president).

Democrats have all but lost their minds – this is not a biased or partisan assumption; it is a fact which is right in front of us. And the strangest thing of all is that Daniels could actually be the most decent and competitive Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, considering the real potential nominees.

Let's face it: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are playing a real-life version of Peter and the Wolf – we are watching the Nancy/Chuck and the Wolf story live from Washington DC.

The wolf is the impeachment proceeding. The Democratic Party has been telling the American people and the whole world that they have so many things to tear Trump's presidency down for the last years, that Trump is so corrupt that it will be incredibly easy to remove him from the Oval Office – and what have they accomplished? Absolutely nothing, in almost four years.

Russia Collusion? Nothing. After all, Robert Mueller absolved Trump and his team, after a process that, indeed, looked like a witch hunt. Stormy Daniels? Nothing. Michael Cohen? Nothing was proved. And the story goes on and on. It seems that the only wolf the Democrats are going to see is Trump's reelection in November 2020.

Enough is enough – I bet all my money that even the most die-hard Democrats are totally fed up with this real-life fiction. Pelosi is trying to be the Cinderella of Schumer's narrative. The Democrats live in a fantasy – it is as if Pelosi is walking in DC kicking a pumpkin in every corner to check if the pumpkin would transform itself into a carriage with a prince.

I must confess that I feel sympathy for Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democratic Party establishment because I used to live in a fantasy as well.

I used to believe that someday, out of the blue sky, I would kick a pumpkin, enter a carriage and marry supermodel Bar Refaeli.

But, you know what? I seriously doubt that my fantasy is going to become a reality. Therefore, I hope – and truly hope – that Pelosi and the Democrats are in the process of rediscovering their sense of reality.

The likelihood of their success in removing Trump from office is like my chances with Bar Refaeli: close to none (in my case, just because the beautiful Israeli model and entrepreneur is already married, of course; in their case, because the impeachment is absolutely baseless and on the eve of another election).

Trump – with an increased level of certainty, shown by the general sentiment of the American people – will continue to navigate the swamp in the years to come.

The truth is – contrary to the fantasy world told by The Washington Post or CNN – President Trump will be very welcomed by the whole world if he manages to drain the swamp in Washington and beyond.

Please, Democrats, stop telling the "Nancy and the Wolf" story – and start singing "America, the Beautiful" once again.

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