As a fan of James Bond movies, I have no doubt that the Israeli intelligence coup in moving half a ton of secret material out of Iran could be a great opening for a new film. I can just picture it: A military truck pulls up to a nondescript but guarded warehouse. The driver pulls out a letter signed by the commander of the Revolutionary Guard instructing the guards to help load some materials on to the truck. The loading is done quickly, and two motorcycle riders flank the truck on the trip out. Let your imagination do the rest.
Everyone, rightfully, is thanking and praising the Mossad. But few in the media or the political arena are willing to extend their praise to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is responsible for the Mossad. Had the mission failed, every child knows who would have been blamed. It wouldn't be the first time.
The Iranian leadership and the Revolutionary Guard mocked Netanyahu's speech. No wonder. He portrayed them as dangerous terrorists, evildoers, liars who can't keep their own secrets. We can add former President Barack Obama and European Union leaders to the mockers; they are a bunch of innocents who blindly followed a Pied Piper group of Iranian merchants to create the most tangible threat to regional and world peace. Unlike them, any reasonable person knows that Netanyahu's speech did a great service to Western civilization in proving that Iran's nuclear weapons program allows Islamist fundamentalism to blackmail and endanger the entire world.
The spokespeople for the Revolutionary Guard don't need to do much to address what Netanyahu revealed. A group of well-known Israeli broadcasters, media pundits and political figures are doing it for them, with considerable talent. Their hatred of Netanyahu, the "Bibiphobia Syndrome," throws off their judgment, overpowering their love of country and their concern for its future and security.
The same talents mocked Netanyahu when he warned about the Iranian nuclear program years ago, and they were wrong. From every platform, they declared that Netanyahu was dragging Israel into a fatal showdown with Obama and his government. They chanted that Netanyahu was over-anxious, which is why he wanted more submarines. The geniuses on the Left claimed that the nuclear deal with Iran was good and important and must be upheld. They claimed Netanyahu was waging war on Iran to escape from the investigations against him. They were wrong on all counts.
Admired politicians are saying Netanyahu's speech on Monday contained no smoking gun, only proof of clear activity toward a nuclear bomb. Given all these mistakes, and the above is only a partial list, is it any wonder that when nothing but boundless hatred pours out of their mouths, the truth is not even relevant?