The decline of the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel should not distract our attention from the threat posed to our lives and our health by the reckless cult of anti-vaxxers, first and foremost because recently activists from among this group have threatened our physical safety.
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During the previous waves of the pandemic, the wanton behavior of the anti-vaxxers hurt our ability to make a living, harmed our children's education and mental well-being, and limited our freedoms. Ahead of possible future outbreaks, we must prevent them from taking up the medical resources that are necessary to save the lives and the health of those who are worthy of society's care.
There is no reason for society to suffer the pathological hallucinations of the anti-vaxxers, their primitive worldview, and their shocking ignorance, and to finance their idiosyncrasies. If they insist on getting sick, suffering, and dying – that's their business. There is no need to stand in their way, but the time has come to exercise the natural right of cultured society to self-defense.
Now that the pandemic is dying out in Israel, we should make it harder for them to spread it again. Our ultimate goal should be to isolate them from the public space through stricter enforcement of the Green Pass: on public transport, at the workplace, in the education system, at leisure and cultural locations, in shopping malls, and any other enclosed space. If we remove the "health terrorists" from public spaces we will gradually be able to stop wearing masks.
Forging green passes should be considered an offense with moral turpitude and minimum prison sentences, and when in prison vaccine refuseniks should be vaccinated even against their will. The anti-vaxxers can manifest their right to protest in isolated spaces, where they won't endanger public health. If they go out of these isolated enclaves, they should be handled with crowd dispersal measures from a distance so they don't, God forbid, infect the police officers who are carrying out their jobs.
Society must also come together to excoriate this crazed and reckless cult. Because they have shaken off the bonds of solidarity with the rest of us, it is time that we discard our solidarity with them. To do so we should propose a civil initiative to actively gather the names of adult vaccine refuseniks, with an emphasis on anti-vax activists.
We of course are not talking about those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, or about minors, who perhaps may not have been vaccinated due to the incitement of their parents. This list should be available to anyone who wishes to protect his life and health, and that of his children, and his liberty and ability to make a living from their malign influence.
Coronavirus deniers, vaccine and test refuseniks, cite scientific transparency. Using the same principle, the list will enable each and every one of us to check who we wish to congregate with, who we wish to seek out as partners, who to employ, where to do our shopping, which companies make sure that their employees are vaccinated, which bar enforces measures to make sure the refuseniks don't infect their patrons. The insurance companies will know who to charge a high premium.
Rumor has it that among these anti-vaxxers and refuseniks are those who can read and write, and even some who are educated, but those who define democracy and civil liberties as the right to cause harm and death to their fellow man, to deny scientific findings and to embitter their children and families, most likely learned civics from a teacher who was himself an anti-vaxxer. They have invented a new basic right: The right to be sick, to suffer, and die.
Those who insist on being infected and falling ill, those who prefer not to keep the company of rational and responsible partners and friends, and those who wish to encourage reckless and deranged behavior, can also take advantage of the proposed list of vaccine refuseniks in order to keep like-minded company. This will benefit society as a whole, as natural selection would then work for the benefit of future generations.
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