We have just learned, pretty much out of the blue, that a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah has been arranged under the aegis, mainly, of the US and France. Forgive me for being surprised at this. We have heard so much of the shuttle diplomacy on the part of the Biden administration to arrange for a pause, for a ceasefire, for peace between Israel and its enemies that we have come to regard these efforts along with those who doubted the "boy who cried wolf." Even now, some of us might well maintain our suspicion that this peace treaty will actually come to be fulfilled.
The broad parameters of this arrangement look something like this. The two sides will stop fighting immediately. The both of them will then cease and desist from any further hostilities. In effect, UN Resolution 1701, which ended their 2006 War will be now implemented, once again. Hezbollah will have to pull back to the north of the Litani River in Lebanon, and the IDF will return to the Israeli border, leaving this part of southern Lebanon they had occupied. The Lebanese Army will then occupy this strip of land, keeping the two combatants separated from one another forever more.
The deaths in Lebanon would cease. Citizens of Israel who had been forced to leave their homes located in the northern part of that country, would be able to return there. Beirut would no longer be pulverized.
What could possibly be wrong with such an arrangement? Plenty, as it turns out. This was precisely the arrangement orchestrated almost 20 years ago, and in 2023 we saw the results of that. The Iranian proxy, Hezbollah, pretty much ran Lebanon. That nation's army was unable to do its duty and serve as a buffer between Hezbollah and Israel. This Lebanese Army was removed from the area south of the Litani River by Hezbollah. When Hamas attacked Israel on that day of infamy, October 7, 2023, Hezbollah started launching missiles, drones, bombs, at northern Israel in support of their brothers in arms, Hamas.
One problem with the foregoing is that history has a way of repeating itself. Given that the Lebanese army was not powerful enough, or sufficiently motivated to serve in this buffer role before, there is grave doubt it will be able to do so this time around either.
What of France and the US who promise to ensure that this debacle does not occur once again? Both of them are "powerful helpless giants" who have a history of running away from wars they have started. Anyone remember Viet Nam? At best, this agreement would put the safety of Israel in the hands of these two countries which have again and again proven themselves, at best, fair weather friends of Israel. In any case, the Jewish State, a sovereign nation, should not have to rely on the good will of others. Its fate, its safety, should depend upon its own efforts.
What then, should have happened instead of this "peace?" Israel should have pursued Hezbollah until the latter was entirely liquidated. Instead, this terrorist organization will lick its wounds over the next year or so, overcome the Lebanese army another time, and once again become a serious threat to Israel.
Instead of departing from Lebanon south of the Litani River, the IDF should stay put. It should stand its newly conquered ground. It should refuse to move one inch. It should borrow a leaf from the Golan Heights. This slip of ground south of the Litani should become part of a Greater Israel.
The enemies of this country should learn an important lesson: when you attack this country, not only do you sow the seeds of destruction of your own army, civilians, housing and other property, you also lose some precious land. Israel made a mistake in giving up the Sinai Peninsula at the close of its war with Egypt. It should not now make the same error regarding this territory to the north of it.
Stated Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel: "If Hezbollah violates the agreement and tries to arm itself – we will attack. If they try to renew the terrorist infrastructure – we will attack. If it launches a rocket up, if it digs a tunnel, if it brings in a truck with missiles – we will attack."
Sorry, this is by no means good enough. The IDF had this terrorist organization on the ropes, and should have had its well-deserved territorial pound of flesh. When will Israel learn that its bitter enemies learn more from the stick than from the carrot?