In the predawn hours of Saturday, a ballistic missile from Yemen struck an urban area in Jaffa, echoing a previous warhead impact on a school in Ramat Efal. Both incidents had the potential for catastrophic casualties. The statistical randomness underscores how mere chance prevented far more severe outcomes in these recent events. While faith in miracles exists, Jewish wisdom teaches against relying on them. Consequently, Israel and its defense establishment must confront the Houthi threats from Yemen with the utmost gravity.
The incident prompts three crucial questions: How did this breach occur? Why does it persist - what drives the continued Houthi campaign? And what measures can and should Israel take to protect itself from threats originating in Yemen?
The question of how this occurred encompasses two dimensions requiring thorough investigation. The first lies with the engineers of Israel's defense industry and Air Force Air Defense Command, who must examine all variables and operational systems to enhance interception capabilities, including pre-emptive warhead interception. The second dimension necessitates investigating the supply routes of ballistic missiles, UAVs, and other weaponry from Iran to Houthi forces in Yemen. While Yemen lacks indigenous strategic weapons expertise, modern online instruction enables terror groups without engineering knowledge to assemble sophisticated weapons from prepared components, similar to assembling furniture from IKEA.
As for the underlying motivations – we must develop a more nuanced understanding beyond simply labeling the Houthi movement as an Iranian proxy. While the network of ties between Iran and Houthi leadership undoubtedly accounts for the comprehensive support of Houthi military operations, it's crucial to recognize the internal drivers propelling Houthi leadership in their struggle, based on autonomous considerations. Their combat ideology is distinctly formed in both identity and aspirations, functioning as more than just an instrument of Iranian strategy.
Like other radical Islamic militant organizations, the Houthis are driven by genuine jihadist conviction and purpose. Their year-long success in disrupting a strategic maritime route, despite US and British military coalition efforts, fuels their determination to sustain their campaign against the entire West, not just Israel. They interpret the international community's weakness and American military hesitation as divine endorsement of their continued struggle.
The critical question remains: what action should Israel take against this threat? The challenge in mounting effective operations against the Houthis stems from their elusive tactical approach. They operate within an impoverished population verging on famine. In such circumstances, even retaliatory strikes and targeting critical infrastructure such as power stations may yield limited strategic value.
Examining the broader security challenge facing Israel, given the lack of clear strategic targets in Yemen, Israel may need to refocus its offensive strategy more directly on Iran.