Michael Laitman

Dr. Michael Laitman is a global thinker, a prolific author who has published over 40 books on a variety of topics including world affairs, economics, education, anti-Semitism, and Kabbalah.

How to change antisemites

Whether we like it or not, Jews will always be at the center of attention.


Kanye West's recent interview with Alex Jones has fanned the flames around West's recent antisemitic tirades. In the interview, he stated, "The Holocaust is not what happened," denied that six million Jews were murdered there, said that Hitler has many "redeeming qualities" and that he likes him. West also claimed his accounts "have been frozen by Jewish banks," and that the media "likes to single out a person and burn him to the core," and that it is the "Zionist approach." Considering that West plans another bid at the presidency in 2024, it is no surprise that "There is concern in Israel's political system and the leadership of the Jewish community in the US over the degree that antisemitism entered into the mainstream," as Israel Hayom reports.

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There is no question that matters are going from bad to worse for Jews in the US. However, antisemitism is rising not only in the US, but the world over, as Jews and the State of Israel are under a constant barrage of lies and slander. The more the world advances, and the more humanity is developing, the more humanity hates Jews.

If you have read any of my books, or even some of my recent posts, you know that as much as I dislike antisemites, I do not blame them for hating us. I do not attribute to them responsibility for their feelings, because I learned from my teachers, and I have seen and studied it for myself, that we determine how the world treats us because humanity treats us the same as we treat each other.

The current trends of excessive liberalism and the woke agenda, as well as their reactionary movement toward religious fanaticism, are symptoms of people's growing alienation from each other. Their intolerance toward others and incessant occupation with themselves are tearing society apart. Nothing can stop the escalating narcissism, and people's insecurity and intolerance will grow until society collapses.

When people get to the point where they begin to search for the culprit for their loneliness and fear, they will point the finger at the Jews. It will not be a rational decision, but a gut feeling that will wash over millions like a tsunami. The wave has already begun to roll, and it is only we who have not noticed.

Whether we like it or not, Jews will always be at the center of attention. The world feels that everything that is wrong with the world is our fault because the attention we get makes us an example, and the example we set is one of mutual hatred. For this reason, only if we stop hating one another, the world will stop hating us.

There is nothing else we need to do, or can do that will quench the flames of antisemitism, or even lower them. Reasoning and explanations do not help when emotions are involved. The only way to change people's thoughts about Jews is by changing how they feel about us, and they will change how they feel about us when we change how we feel about each other.

We like to think that we are helping in Tikkun Olam, but a broken machine cannot produce correct operations. The correction of the world begins with correcting ourselves, and correcting ourselves begins with eliminating the hatred and division between us. Education for connection is what we need today, and the only way to achieve this is by beginning with each other.

Our nation was tasked with being a virtuous people, but virtue begins at home. When we are virtuous with one another, we will be treated as virtuous throughout the world.

Today, more than ever, it is vitally important that we understand this and conduct ourselves accordingly.

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