Hope for real change

Many of those who watched and listened to the left-wing commentators in the Israeli and American media were given the impression North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was the big winner on Tuesday. As far as they were concerned, while U.S. President Donald Trump did not receive anything in return for the historic Singapore summit, he did legitimize the tyrannical regime in Pyongyang.

Only a fool would believe Kim would surrender his nuclear weapons on a silver platter. This is a process โ€“ one that has had a surprising and auspicious beginning, and there is no way of knowing how it will develop. The memorandum signed between the two leaders points to a significant achievement for Trump. There is now hope that this conflict, which has lasted around 70 years, could be brought to an end. This hope is based upon Kim's understanding that unlike former U.S. President Barack Obama, Trump will not be sold second-hand, counterfeit goods.

These critical commentators did not cynically and suspiciously tweet when Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for absolutely nothing. The media's hatred and contempt for Trump harm their ability to judge him fairly. U.S. citizens have recently joined their Israeli counterparts in internalizing the modus operandi and motives of the media, and as a result, can no longer be influenced by their biased coverage.

Trump's North Korea move is already making waves in the Middle East. Iranian business people understand they are next and are therefore trying to convince Kim he cannot depend on agreements with the U.S. They are right; fraudulent agreements cannot be trusted. Kim understands that with Trump, he can make a deal, as long as both sides have something to gain and there are no foolish attempts to undermine the United States.

The message coming out of the meeting is being internalized at this very hour across other capitals in the Middle East; a message that provides American backing for an uncompromising fight against Iran and its emissaries in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Yemen and elsewhere.

The day is drawing near when, under the auspices of the U.S., secret alliances between Israel and Arab states will come to light and provide great hope for peace. After 120 years of incessant war, the time has come for our region, so saturated with hostility and hate, to understand that partnering with Israel can pull millions in the Middle East out of darkness. And maybe one day, they will all say that the die was cast in Singapore.

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