Sara Ha'etzni-Cohen

Sara Ha'etzni-Cohen is a journalist and social activist.

Hezbollah threatened, Israel yielded

If reports on the maritime negotiations are true, Israel is about to relinquish its portion of the Sidon gas field to Lebanon, giving up its chance of becoming a global economic and strategic superpower in the process.


It's been recently announced that Israel and Lebanon have reached significant progress in negotiations over gas drilling in the Mediterranean.

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The background story is complicated. There are two gas fields on the border between Israel and Lebanon: the first, Karish, is fully located in Israeli economic waters, but bothers the dividing line closely; the second, Sidon (called Qana by the Lebanese), is located on both sides of the border, partially on the Lebanese side, and partially on the Israeli one, with a third part being disputed.

The maritime border between Israel and Lebanon was of no interest to anyone, that is until a gas field – worth billions of dollars – was discovered there.
Natural gas is not just a local matter between Israel and Lebanon. Given the geopolitical reality, especially the ongoing war in Ukraine and the energy crisis in Europe, the gas supply from these reservoirs could turn Israel into a global energy and strategic powerhouse.

With the winter approaching, everyone is stressed. The United States and the EU are pressuring for a quick agreement in order to start producing gas as quickly as possible.

Do you understand why there was a "significant progress" in the negotiations? Because Israel apparently once again gave in to a terror group, Hezbollah, in this instance. The negotiations are being conducted quietly, but if the information that's been leaked is accurate, Jerusalem has agreed to the original Lebanese demands, and then some. It also agreed to give up its portion of the Sidon gas field in exchange for maritime territory.

Do you get it? About a quarter of the disputed gas field, Sidon, is definitely in Israeli maritime territory. And yet, it agreed – according to the report – for Lebanon to have all of Sidon, including the small Israeli part, in exchange for territory? That means, Israel will give up territory rich in gas and receive sea territory instead.

A few weeks ago, Nasrallah was quoted as having said in closed-door-talks that Lebanon was "raising the bar so that Israel would yield on the gas issue." In early July, the terror group also launched several drones at the Karish gas rig, where Israel is supposed to start producing gas as early as September. Nasrallah understands the game and the map of global interests.

The equation is important in light of Europe's need for oil and gas, he said, otherwise the continent will face a disaster, as they are dependent on Russia. That is why Nasrallah sent the drones at a time Europe is at its weakest.

Not only does Nasrallah understand the game, he controls it, making threats that bring political and economic gains. We hope the enemy will withdraw without us having to fire a bullet or a rocket. We are prepared for all scenarios, he said.

As for Israel, it gave in and is slated to sign the fateful agreement, which probably violates a basic law, in an irresponsible transitional government. In the Middle East, instead of demanding more, Israel gave in.

Instead of remaining steadfast against Lebanese threats and attempts to attack, Israel yielded and retreated. Instead of taking care of its economic and political interests in the long term, it chose to strengthen the monster from the north.

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