Alan G. Futerman and Walter E. Block

Walter Block and Alan Futerman are co-authors of "The Classical Liberal Case for Israel" (Springer Publishing Company)

Hamas has a choice

So, why, then, does Israel continue its operations in Gaza, despite the consequences in this area? It is simple. Hamas has not yet surrendered


Many people, the world over, are appalled by what is taking place in Gaza as a result of Israeli bombing of that territory. For example, states United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres "Amid Increasingly Dire Humanitarian Situation in Gaza, Hamas Attacks Cannot Justify Collective Punishment of Palestinian People." According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, "Israel's attacks on Gaza refugee camp may amount to war crimes." Amnesty International maintains that there is "Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza." Not to be outdone, former US president Barack Obama said this: "Already, thousands of Palestinians have been killed in the bombing of Gaza, many of them children. Hundreds of thousands have been forced from their homes. The Israeli government's decision to cut off food, water, and electricity to a captive civilian population threatens not only to worsen a growing humanitarian crisis…" In the view Al-Jazeera: "From South Africa to Norway, the Middle East to Southeast Asia, calls for an end to the siege of Gaza are growing."

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It is uncivilized to inflict collateral damage upon innocent people after the losing side in a war has surrendered. And, indeed, there are many innocents now located in Gaza, contrary to the views of some commentators.

Did the US drop a third atom bomb on Japan after that government admitted defeat to the Allies? Of course not. The US was way too civilized to do any such thing. In a similar manner, there was a total cessation of damage inflicted upon Germany after that country capitulated to the Americans, British, French, and their allies.

So, why, then, does Israel continue its operations in Gaza, despite the consequences in this area?

It is simple. Hamas has not yet surrendered (and released all of its hostages, not merely a portion of them). Let us repeat that statement since it seems to have escaped notice of all those who complain about Israel's "disproportionate and improper punishment of the Gazans" mentioned above: Hamas has not yet surrendered! Please forgive us for stating this obvious and primordial fact that world opinion has not yet recognized one further time: Hamas has not yet surrendered!

What would a surrender imply? Well, after the Nazis yielded, there was the Nuremberg Trial. Several leading members of this organization were executed. What trials occurred in Japan following upon the surrender of that government in 1945? The Tokyo War Crimes Trials took place over the next few years. Again several of the defendants were put to death, and others imprisoned.

What would likely be the fate of the Hamas fighters upon their surrender to the IDF? It would not be difficult to discern that they would be imprisoned, as others of that genocidal organization have been before (or still are). What about their leaders? Although it could be conceivable that they be executed as soon as they are found given the savagery of October 7, it is unlikely they would be put to trial and sentenced to death later if they are first imprisoned. After all, Israel has imposed this penalty upon only one person: Adolf Eichmann.

But one thing is for sure. Immediately upon the surrender of Hamas, the bombing of Gaza would cease. There would be no more killing of innocents as collateral damage due to Hamas operating among them. Israeli hospitals would likely be open to all the wounded.

However, until Hamas cries uncle, it is entirely justified for the IDF to continue its war against that organization. The unnecessary deaths of the innocents lie entirely in the hands of Hamas. In other words, there is a simple detail that the world seems to ignore when it calls for the war to stop: Hamas has not yet surrendered!

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