Ron Prosor

Ron Prosor is the Israeli ambassador to Germany. He previously served as Israel's ambassador to the UK and ambassador to the UN.

Forcing Iran's allies to face the truth ‎

The United Nations is an organization where ‎democratic influences and the truth get sidelined ‎far too often, but addressing the General Assembly ‎on Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood ‎before world leaders and spoke the truth. Not "his ‎truth" – just the plain, clear truth about Iran and ‎the Palestinian issue.‎

The evidence Netanyahu presented for the existence ‎of secret nuclear facilities in Iran and Hezbollah ‎missile bases in the heart of Beirut is the best ‎answer to Europe's appeasement policy vis-à-vis ‎Iran. This not only exposed Iran's true, nefarious ‎designs for the region but also exposed the ‎weakness of many European leaders and the ‎incompetence of the International Atomic Energy ‎Agency.‎

Despite being privy to detailed, verified and ‎accurate information on Iranian violations of the ‎‎2015 nuclear deal, the IAEA and EU have done nothing ‎to stop it. In their naivety and shortsightedness, ‎they are willing to gamble away the future of the ‎Middle East and the rest of the world, acting as if ‎Iran will one day relinquish its nuclear aspirations ‎willingly.‎

European leaders may opt to see no evil, hear no ‎evil and speak no evil, but Netanyahu reminded them ‎that Israel sees and hears everything and that it is ‎not wary of speaking or taking action wherever ‎necessary.‎

Now it is up to the Israeli government and the Trump ‎administration to demand that, confronted with ‎clear-cut ‎intelligence findings, Germany, Britain ‎and France explain why they insist on supporting the ‎Iran deal. ‎

Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly shortly ‎after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas ‎concluded his annual show of lies and incitement.‎

Abbas said nothing new, as this year, too, he stayed ‎true to the course of radicalism rather than opt for ‎promoting understanding and reconciliation.‎
While Netanyahu presented world leaders with truths, ‎Abbas presented lies, falsities and half-truths in ‎an attempt to incite his Palestinian and Muslim ‎listeners against Israel, especially with respect to ‎Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa mosque and the situation on ‎the ground. ‎

Breaking his own record for undermining the ‎Palestinian people's interests, Abbas continued to ‎turn his back on the possibility of holding direct and ‎effective negotiations, all while the United States ‎and Israel establish facts on the ground, namely ‎that Israel's existence with Jerusalem as its ‎capital is a fait accompli.‎

Netanyahu addressed the U.N. General Assembly is ‎something of a new era: Israel no longer stands ‎alone at the U.N. to call it out for its own bias ‎and shortcomings. The U.S. has stood up for Israel ‎at the U.N. in the past, but the Trump ‎administration has taken it a step further, ‎challenging the U.N.'s anti-Israel positions head-on. ‎

In the past two years, the United States has begun ‎unmasking international organizations and U.N. ‎agencies such as the Human Rights Council, UNRWA and ‎UNESCO, showing them for what they really are. When ‎the world's greatest superpower is on the side of ‎logic, common sense and the truth, one can, for the ‎first time, be cautiously optimistic that the threat ‎posed by Iran and its proxies, such as Hezbollah, ‎can be resolved via political means and not only ‎through military force. ‎

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