Dr. Reuven Berko


For a fistful of dollars

As part of his attempt to rewrite history, the Polish prime minister claimed that alongside "Polish perpetrators" in the Holocaust there were also "Jewish perpetrators." He was probably referring to the Jewish kapos and the Judenrat – poor Jewish souls forced to cooperate with the Nazis out of profound fear for their lives.

The prime minister's remarks brought to mind Nathan Alterman's poem about the boy Avram, who, after the war, slept on the stone steps leading to his house in a Polish town, too afraid to sleep in his bed.

In the poem, Avram's nightmare features his slaughtered mother, the knife still in her heart, his decapitated father and his sister's cheeks glistening with the tears of the dead. In Avram's nightmare, his loved ones beckon to him, asking him to join them in the bed of grief and death that has been made up for him, offering him shelter from the cold. Avram, terrified, is torn between his desire to reunite with his loved ones and his will to survive, ultimately choosing life.

The poem, much like a prophecy, presents another absurd situation: Avram is faced with 70 nations trying to bring him into the "house of death." But their motive is different – they seek to kill Avram and reunite him with his dead family because they hate him. These criminal nations arm themselves with "hunting daggers," taking advantage of procedures, laws and international understandings to put him to death.

They say to Avram "we come upon you! With 70 legal statutes and 70 hatchets. We will bring you back into this house. We will place you in the bed that has been made for you and you will sleep in it and you will be still like your father." These 70 nations bear a striking resemblance to the U.N., UNESCO and the Security Council.

The descendants of the anti-Semites who joyously volunteered to murder Jews, calling out "Zyd, why don't you go to Palestine?" have chased us all the way here. They do not like the way Avram overcame "knives and blood" to become the powerful Avraham in his homeland.

Just like Avram in Alterman's poem, we, too, have overcome many obstacles. We surmounted the boycotts and the embargos; we neutralized the hypocritical calls for "proportionality" that tried to restrict our response to terror; we countered the world's automatic support for Arab states and for terrorism; and we exposed the anti-Semitic, malicious motives behind the U.N.'s and UNRWA's efforts to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee problem.

The campaign that equates Europe's war criminals with their Jewish victims is an attempt to whitewash and rewrite history. This campaign focuses mainly on portraying Israel and more "racist" and "Nazi" than the Nazis. Therefore, the campaign argues, the atrocity committed against us should be forgiven because we are "worse than the Nazis."  This is how the campaign to portray Zionism as racism was born. It seeks to dwarf the systematic murder of millions of Jews at the hand of the Germans - with the enthusiastic help of the masses in Poland, Ukraine, France, Hungary and others – and liken this atrocity to the historical killing of millions of other war victims.

As Europe tries to lure the Jewish-Israeli "Avraham" to the "house of death" by calling him a Nazi, there are many around the world that are all too eager to "help." Anonymous European funds, in collaboration with Jewish-Palestinian groups, generously support the anti-Israel boycott movement.

This movement, which characterizes Israel as a Nazi, racist oppressor that needs to be stifled the way South African apartheid was stifled, enjoys the support of the "Zochrot" organization (which views Israel's Law of Return as racist and aims to drown Israel with millions of "returning" Palestinian refugees), Breaking the Silence (an advocacy group that collects testimonies from Israeli soldiers on the IDF alleged mistreatment of Palestinians) and B'Tselem (which documents Israeli misdeeds in the Palestinian territories), among others. These groups portray Israeli soldiers as racist war criminals and Palestinian terrorists as "freedom fighters."

Most recently, Jewish activists have equated the deportation of illegal African migrants from Israel back to Africa to the Nazi death transports. There are leftist MKs who have been criticizing the government as "friends of the Nazis." Meanwhile, a recent movie about the 1976 Entebbe rescue mission features a comparison between the Holocaust and the Palestinians who fled in 1948. Incidentally, the film was produced and directed by Jews.

The anti-Zionist activists among us, who are trying to assist the 70 nations and usher us into the "house of death," are not doing it out of love. They are not kapos or Judenrat trying to survive, but rather something far worse: These are Jewish criminals serving the European anti-Semitic goal. Their "ideology" is to make us out to be Nazis and racists, not to save their own lives, but for a fistful of dollars.

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