Dr. Miriam Adelson

Dr. Miriam Adelson is the publisher of Israel Hayom. The Adelson family owns the company that is the primary shareholder in Israel Hayom.

Following the spirit of freedom

Rising to stand beside President Donald Trump on the East ‎Room dais felt, to me, like floating. When he clasped ‎America's highest civilian honor around my neck, I was euphoric with wonderment and gratitude. ‎

As a former military officer and medical doctor of ‎decades' standing, I am not prone to reveries. What I ‎experienced at Friday's White House ceremony was ‎something else: the awe that comes with sensing, ‎suddenly, how faith and fate have steered one's life. ‎

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is a uniquely ‎magnanimous tribute to distinguished public service, ‎whether by U.S. citizens or foreigners. I am both – an ‎Israeli native and a naturalized American – and I see this ‎medal as the ultimate endorsement of the two nations' ‎shared values and destiny.‎

The advancement of liberty is at the heart of that ‎alliance. It is what has inspirited my decades of work in ‎disease research, the treatment of drug addiction and ‎philanthropy. ‎

It is the kindred spirit that I found in my beloved ‎husband, Sheldon, and the spirit in which we have ‎raised our children and in which they, in turn, have raised ‎theirs. ‎

I owe so much to so many who share in this spirit – the ‎spirit of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.‎

That spirit was first imparted to me by my beloved parents, ‎Menucha and Symcha. ‎

Barely out of their teens, they had set off alone from the ‎gathering doom of 1930s Poland to stake out a corner ‎of the world where they could live free, unafraid, a ‎nation among the nations. The Holocaust robbed them ‎of their parents and siblings, but not of their humanity ‎or hope. ‎

There, in a young State of Israel struggling to survive, ‎they raised me to foster and fight for liberty – for ‎myself, for my people, for wider humankind, and at all ‎times.‎

I found that spirit in the Israel Defense Forces, where I ‎served as a medical research officer, and later, when I ‎had the privilege of joining the ranks of the world's ‎healers, providing release for the sick and the stricken.‎

Today, I find that spirit in the brave American and ‎Israeli soldiers overcoming wounds sustained in the ‎War on Terror, and whom my husband Sheldon – ‎himself a U.S. Army veteran – and I have had the honor ‎of helping.‎

I find that spirit in the drug addicts I treat, both ‎juveniles and adults, for whom recovery is a liberation ‎from enslavement, from the torment of withdrawal, and ‎also, all too often, from ostracism by society.‎

It is the spirit of those who fight and sacrifice so that ‎they might love freely, like the young Afghan couple ‎who braved their families' blood-feud and, with me and ‎other well-wishers interceding, secured a new life ‎together abroad.‎

The spirit of this medal is that of the Jewish people, ‎which millennia ago, from the flight of Exodus to the ‎battles of the Maccabees, lit the torch of individual ‎liberty for humanity at large – a torch now long-held ‎aloft by the United States.‎

The spirit of this medal is the spirit of the free market, ‎which undergirds liberal societies, creates wealth that ‎can be used for the greater good, and encourages charity ‎and amity.‎

It also is the spirit of President Trump.‎

He has blazed new trails in U.S. policies with courage ‎and conviction. He knows that one has to stand for ‎what is right, even if that means standing alone. He ‎knows that truth is not always popular, though it wins ‎out. ‎

I think of all of these people and feel humbled at ‎having been able to journey with them toward a better ‎world.‎

Thank you, Mr. President. And thank you, America. ‎May the spirit of this medal continue to guide you, and ‎us all.‎

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