It is rare to see a social protest – fair as it may be – in which the strong side will not try to direct everything to suit its needs. Whoever believes that they are masters of everything, both of the establishment and of the protest against the establishment, will try in every way to take over just protests.
The first attempt was made by all sorts of tycoons who wanted to receive huge grants for themselves while "representing the falafel shop owners." They appeared on TV, teary-eyed over the difficult situation the coronavirus outbreak had plunged them into. They quickly got theirs and disappeared.
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But that's nothing compared to the second attempt to ride the wave on the backs of the so-called "black flag" protesters; the old elite who have been protesting for months on end against an elected prime minister. What do these protesters really want? They demanded an indictment – and got one. They petitioned the High Court of Justice against the formation of the unity government – it ruled on the matter. What now?
And what alternative are they offering exactly? Are they in favor of socialism, capitalism, or a combination of both? Do they want a secular, religious, or traditional state? They do not stop explaining that a demonstration must be political, but fail to produce a single, worthy political statement, beyond "we're all for what is good and against what is bad."
After failing for months to gain any traction among the public, these protesters now insist on merging with the demonstrations staged by self-employed Israelis and use it as a catalyst. The bottom line is that they simply do not have a constructive message regarding the economic crisis.
The public must not be confused. Theses protesters and the celebrities they enlist to shriek their messages are throwing us for a loop. They have no interest in those who go hungry or the plight of small businesses and the self-employed. They are protesting against you: among the independents, there are rightists and leftists, Netanyahu supporters and Gantz supporters alike.
I also saw a similar spectacle at the Druze demonstration against the nation-state law. I remember the disappointment suffered by radical leftists, who attended that demonstration in anticipation of yet another anti-state rally. But it was an exceedingly patriotic demonstration by those who want to be part of this country.
During this past week, too, the Left was disappointed, as the speakers at Saturday's rally did not focus on Prime Minister Netanyahu, but rather on the issue at hand, namely the plight of the self-employed.
I have been self-employed for eight years, and from day one I am aware of the discrimination that exists against us. Social Security Institute policies, income tax, and VAT demand their dues, in exchange for almost nothing. "Payment deferred" is a phrase I've heard too many times.
In recent years, finance ministers and governments have come and gone, and no one has been able to significantly improve the state of self-sufficiency. This was the case before COVID-19, before Netanyahu, and it may stay that way them both. We all have to fight to make sure that is not the case.
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