Jalal Bana

Jalal Bana is a media adviser and journalist.

City of eternal conflict

Jerusalem, holy to three faiths, needs to rise above disputes and serve as an example of tolerance, coexistence, and acceptance of others.


This week's disgusting terrorist attack in Jerusalem should remind Israel's leaders, the Palestinians, and all of us who live in this country that there is a difficult and painful issue that we must take action to solve. At the very least, we need to restore calm for the vast majority of the people who live in east Jerusalem.

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The images of blood on the ground do not leave any place for mercy toward someone who decides to transform from an educator, a religious figure, to a murders, and certainly there is no room to think differently, because murder is murder – regardless of connection to political opinions, agreements, any battle, or even the occupation. Still, every tragic event of this kind is a reminder to us that there is an issue, which as long as it remains unsolved will see some people think that this is the right way to deter others from coming to live there.

The few square kilometers between the walls of the Old City have the largest deployment of police and security forces anywhere in the world. Anyone who walks around the city feels uncomfortable. Mutual distrust and fear can be seen on the faces of both the Jews and the Arabs. Everyone wants the city, but aren't willing to join hands for its sake.

The geopolitical situation in Jerusalem is getting more and more complicated. For five decades, Israel has claimed that Jerusalem is its united capital. But in effect, that is incorrect, and more accurately – is untrue. On the other hand, the Palestinian leadership claims all the time and everywhere that east Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state, but not only is that incorrect, the PA as an entity has no grip on the city.

The Palestinian residents of east Jerusalem are not Israelis, and are waging a determined – largely unsuccessful – battle to secure Israeli residency status and even citizenship. In the past two decades, Israel has made it harder for them to receive residency status or citizenship, and even taken steps to revoke the Israeli ID cards of several individuals and families. Meanwhile, the PA – which has no hold there – lacks the authority to make decisions for the Palestinian residents of the city, who aren't Israeli and aren't wanted in Israel, but cannot receive Palestinian citizenship or Palestinian ID cards. Which, by the way, are issued by Israel.

Jerusalem needs to withdraw from the fight, especially the armed battle, and become a place in which people – regardless of religion or nationality – feel safe, emotionally and physically. Millions of faithful from three religions visit the city to pray and carry out God's commandments. But everyone – Jews, Muslims, and Christians – walk around inside the walls of the Old City worried, even fearful.

It's time for Jerusalem, of equal importance to all three religions, rise above disputes or conflicts, regardless of the issue of control or municipal assignment, and serve as an example of coexistence, tolerance, and acceptance of and love for others.

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