There is no other way to state the obvious: Those who support the UN agency for Palestinian refugees in any way are supporting the perpetuation of Palestinian refugeedom and the right of return of those "refugees" to Israel; in other words, the destruction of the Jewish state.
The problem goes beyond the hatred of Israel and the Jews that UNRWA's schools instill in their Palestinian students and the military exercises children engage in UNRWA-run summer camps so that they are made into child soldiers in complete violation of the UN treaty.
UNRWA's very existence some 70 years after it should have ceased to be is a symbol of the international community's support for the idea of the State of Israel's disappearance. Anyone who calls themselves a friend of Israel should have supported UNRWA's dissolution a long time ago.
There is no justification for the existence of Palestinian refugees 73 years after the 1948 War of Independence and 54 years after the 1967 Six-Day War outside of the Arab desire to ensure Israel's decimation through the return of generations of "refugees" who have no personal connection to the Land of Israel.
UNRWA, which was initially intended to serve the "Palestinians" that fled the State of Israel for Arab states until that time when they would be integrated into their new places of residence, has long been a tool in the political struggle against the Jewish state. This is clear from the existence of "refugee camps" in territories governed by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Has there ever been any other instance in which refugees were kept in miserable conditions in their own land by an international system that pours a lot of money into efforts aimed at preventing said "refugees" from living under normal conditions?
Former US President Donald Trump understood the absurdity of UNRWA's existence. He knew how to deal with inherent Palestinian recalcitrance that seeks to ensure the continuity of the Palestinian "refugee" problem, among other things. Current US President Joe Biden insists on going backward, to the pre-Trump status, instead of marching ahead and acting to improve the situation.
The Democrat administration could have conditioned a renewal of funding on UNRWA's cancellation and its replacement by a temporary Palestinian welfare agency that would act to resolve the Palestinian "refugee" problem in their places of residence. Such an agency would need to be temporary, it would require a limited budget, and its management would need to be absolutely transparent.
Caught up in disproven political perceptions, the Biden administration insists on destroying all of the positive steps Trump took while in office. The former US president thought outside the box. Biden prefers to bury himself, his administration, and the entire Middle East in a box.