Erfan Fard

Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter-terrorism, IRGC, MOIS, and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA).  Erfan is a Jewish Kurd from Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic, and English.

Behind the Islamic Iron Curtain

The government recognizes voting, civil rights, and freedom of speech only for its supporters and inner circle. The governance cannot tolerate dissenting voices or differing opinions. This governance and system are not open to the future; they are very closed, dark, unwise, and irrational.


Iran finds itself on a dangerous downward spiral. Governance has led the country into complete deadlock. The situation in Iran has become a complex, inextricable knot, with governance accelerating destructively and absolutely, placing Iran's existence under the threat of complete destruction. The situation in Iran is extremely concerning.

Yet, Iranian society and the world still do not fully comprehend the depth of this disaster. Since the springless winter of 1979, the regime has acted as an exploiter and occupier. The oppressive political system continually repeats its mistakes without any intention of correction.

The dreams of the Iranian nation and its governance are not aligned The Tehran government, with its unchecked power and immense wealth, fails to recognize the identity and name Iranian nation, who deeply resent this governance. This tension and conflict will continue until the regime's fall.

The Iranian nation is governed by an outlaw regime that rejects rational dialogue, opting instead for repression through whips, bullets, and batons. However, the governance, acting like an unyielding horseman, has no intention of dismounting. From atop its horse, it lashes out with clubs and whips or shoots bullets at all the pedestrian citizens.

The military governance operates like a mafia, after 45 years, continuing its repression while the regime's propaganda machinery works overtime. All propaganda tools serve to bolster the regime's authority. All platforms are under the control of the regime, which still seeks to consolidate its power. Relative to the potential of its people, Iran's governance is backward, incapable, and fraught with countless deficiencies. It holds no esteem among the Iranian people and is isolated on the international stage. The regime knows it has no national standing among Iranian society, especially the younger generation. The barrier between the governance and the nation is not just the outdated, bankrupt, and Khomeinist ideology.

A governance that tramples on the interests of the nation, denying the interests of everyone but itself. There is no unity in society; everything is damaged and cracked. Now, the oppressive and absolute evil regime, among an alienated and dissatisfied Iranian society, has no legitimacy or popularity. The government's discourse has also faced failure.

With its irrelevant language and logic, the regime demands that society be submissive, viewing itself as the guardian overall, even grandiosely claiming to lead the Muslims of the Milky Way galaxy. How can one reason with a ruler who, after 35 years, only understands the language of force? None! The regime always points its finger of threat at everyone. Society cannot breathe freely. The government recognizes voting, civil rights, and freedom of speech only for its supporters and inner circle. The governance cannot tolerate dissenting voices or differing opinions. This governance and system are not open to the future; they are very closed, dark, unwise, and irrational.

Intellectualism in Iran deals with terror, imprisonment, and absolute deprivation. The absolute evil governance in Iran has neither the desire nor the ability to understand anything beyond itself. A governance that is populist, repressive, and absolutist on one side, and a protesting, suppressed, and wholly lost society on the other are in conflict and opposition. There is no understanding or dialogue except through interrogations, revolutionary courts, and threatening calls from the Ministry of Intelligence and other security institutions. Indeed, no one in Iranian society is safe from arrest, suppression, and threats.

On the other hand, the current regime in Iran has utterly failed and is a symbol of absolute evil. Therefore, peaceful coexistence with this savage governance is impossible. The current regime does not recognize the people of Iran as a nation but sees them as the Islamic Ummah, and Iran for the regime is like war spoils, as if the country is occupied. But in fact, the Islamic Ummah is thousands of miles away from the Iranian nation, and it must be said that the Shiite regime and the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist are not the Iranian nation. It must be said that the regime's narrow-minded politics and literature are completely contrary to the society and nation of Iran. In total, it is a failed system that contradicts freedom and law. It continuously suppresses but lacks authority.

The poor, suppressed, hopeless, and deprived society of Iran feels a deep dissatisfaction, public hatred, and both overt and covert anger towards the regime. The reason for the behavior of Iranian society is that after 1979, people lost their national pride and their national identity to the mullahs, leading the country into deadlock, downfall, and decay.

A governance in power that cannot understand language and has whips and bullets is a savage oppressor that is ready to commit any crime to preserve its irrational, non-modern, reality-averse, and deaf governance, and it is not ashamed of

committing crimes. And the tragedy of the matter is that the mullah governance, with its sophistry and fallacy, claims religiosity and heavenly status, which is actually a display of superstitions and delusions and emptiness for political and religious fraud. Although Iranian society has moved beyond religion, a governance that calls the terrorist uproar of 1979 a revolution, but the bitter story of 1979, if it was a revolution, was a display of the savagery of Khomeini and his associates who returned Iran to 1400 years ago.

A few harsh and oppressive people are ready to sacrifice all of Iran for their invalid opinion and belief. The current religious despotism and religious governance in Iran expect the entire society to respect the terrorist uproar of Khomeini and also that the entire society should have the temperament of slavery and servitude and absolute obedience. And the structure of the Guardianship is the embodiment of despotism, delusion, ignorance, and superstition.

The path to institutionalizing democracy in Iran is also a long, rocky road full of ups and downs. A dangerous and threatening outlook awaits the Iranian nation. The regime is in decline. It is possible that soon, similar to economic and cultural collapse, environmental and industrial and agricultural collapses, a social and ethical collapse will also occur in Iran that can no longer be controlled.

Throughout history, the institution of the mullahs or the Shiite mullah system has been full of power-seeking, deception, law evasion, lies, propaganda, corruption, and terror and suppression. Change in this institution is impossible. Now, the Tehran regime has two tools: internal suppression and external aggression. The regime's terrorist institutions such as the Ministry of Intelligence, the IRGC, the police force, the Quds Force, and the army, as well as other proxy groups in the Shiite crescent to transnational criminal organizations, will continue their work as long as this regime is in power. The death of President EbrahimRaisi and others will not change or affect the system of this regime.

Predicting the situation in crisis-stricken Iran is challenging, especially with the elections commencing this Thursday as candidate registrations begin. However, I must state that: 1. There will be no enthusiasm, participation, or competition in these elections. The atmosphere is severely restricted within a quasi-caliphate structure, and the government shows no interest in public involvement. 2. Amidst the media frenzy, the role of the Guardian Council, under Khamenei's supervision, is overlooked. 3. Candidate approvals will be limited to a few radical figures loyal to Khamenei. 4. The government aims to continue the current harsh conditions and seeks someone akin to Raisi.

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