Only the Likud party can implement a historic move that sees the Arab public go from segregation to partnership and from fantasy to reality. From the Likud's standpoint, the three or four Knesset seats the Arab sector could provide in the upcoming election could be a political tie-breaker on the path to establishing a stable government for four years.
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In return, the Likud offers the Arab public direct influence on the government and an exit from the passivity and marginalization it has been saturated with for too many years. In other words, it is offering the Arab sector the possibility to become the kind of partner that plays an active and coalitionary role in the struggles to promote issues in the fields of transportation, employment, higher education, and of course, the war on rising crime rates.
As proof this is possible, see the Likud's ability to form genuine alliances with the Haredim despite that sector's desire to differentiate itself from Zionism and secular society. Despite Blue and White head Benny Gantz's repeated attempts to woo the Haredim, the ultra-Orthodox parties stuck by Netanyahu's side.
On the other hand, the Joint Arab List has exhausted its political path. Regardless of the number of Knesset seats it garners, the faction has no political influence. Its members voted against normalization with Arab states and praised terrorists as martyrs. The Joint Arab List is an enclave whose walls have been built around the Arab public.
Although they identify with your nationalist values, the left-wing parties have nothing to offer you. Time and time again, the "stars" chosen to lead their parties end up a disappointment. They have no vision and can promise nothing. Yet every single one of you knows the Arab sector's financial situation has seen marked improvement over the last decade. You are flourishing under the Likud government, and the time has come to translate this into true political partnership.
Netanyahu gives it to you straight and says: If you seek the destruction of the State of Israel as the national Jewish state, and if you elect officials who act as representatives of PA President Mahmoud Abbas or Hamas, stick with the left-wing camp.
Divided between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and preoccupied with infighting, Palestinian nationalism is crumbling by the day. The peace accords Netanyahu forged with Arab states saw those countries recognize Israel in its entirety: with a unified Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and with the Israel Defense Forces permanently stationed on the banks of the Jordan River.
These Arab states openly applaud the IDF's near-constant attacks on Iranian and pro-Iranian forces in Syria. They have determined they do not represent the Palestinian cause; their interests are their own. It is on this basis that they signed the peace accords with Israel for the benefit of their own prosperity and security. What's good for the Emiratis, the Sudanese, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, and the Saudis can't be bad for Arab Israelis.
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