Now they come? Suddenly we hear lamentations about the terrible agreement. The well-known commentators who pushed for an agreement at any price are now analyzing the severity of the conditions. We've heard enough from you. You don't know more than others, and it's quite possible you still cling to the old conception, despite what we've experienced.
Before the agreement was signed, the majority of the media almost completely suppressed any serious discussion about its unbearable costs. We saw mainly quasi-pornographic headlines dealing with emotion rather than state risk management or discussion about its future in light of the agreement.
For a moment, we relived the orgy of stupidity from the Oslo Accords and the "Disengagement." Then too, they suppressed all serious discussion about the consequences of these bloody agreements. They put adhesive tape on our mouths to prevent us from speaking against it. Everything we warned about happened! And more. In the media, opponents of the agreements were condemned as warmongers, as "extremists" and "messianic." Regarding the current agreement, anyone who opposed releasing the hostages outside of exchanges (children for murderers) was marked as heartless, preferring their death over surrendering to the kidnappers' demands.
The root of Israel's failure and conduct in recent decades lies in the spirit of the Oslo Accords, which were never canceled, following the foolish thought that the barbarians around us think similarly to the rational considerations of a Western state. The money to Hamas was transferred by all Israeli governments without distinction, according to security officials' recommendations. As ambassador, I marketed then-Foreign Minister Yair Lapid's plan for economic peace in Gaza. The main points were: rehabilitation of the Strip, bringing international investments and so on, in exchange for quiet. The principle was formulated back in Oslo: our enemies want to live well like us, and therefore will be willing to compromise and achieve peace, or at least industrial quiet. A terrible mistake.
How many of us are familiar with Hamas' charter? Here's the key sentence by which the barbarians in Gaza and their supporters in the Palestinian Authority operate: "Israel will rise and continue to exist until Islam obliterates it, as it obliterated what came before it." Who is interested in reading about the true long-term intentions of the new Nazis who are now returning to their places, when we are excited and crying (truly!) at the sight of hostages reuniting with their family members?
How many of us have read the Fatah charter ("The Palestinian National Charter"), a document no less terrible than Hamas' charter. How will the perception of the Arabs of Samaria and Judea change, if the PA pays salaries to murderers of Jews according to the number of those murdered? Now they're trying to market to us the PA's return to Gaza instead of Hamas. A terrible mistake. Hamas understands it won't receive budgets from the foolish West for rehabilitating the Strip as long as it's in front, and therefore it will be convenient for it to place other "moderates" in front to funnel money for its rehabilitation. The day the order is given, Hamas will take control of government institutions and accuse Israel of a "siege" to the sound of support from Israel-haters in the West and the useful idiots among us.
The current agreement is terrible, but perhaps there was no choice. The complete picture isn't before me, and there is reason to assume there are hidden considerations unknown to the public. We'll only be able to examine them in several months or even a year from now, as was the case in previous stages of the war. Meanwhile, we need nerves of steel and supreme patience. My criticism is about the suppression of serious discussion and the dimming of its risks, and addiction to an emotional festival that recalls a feast on the eve of plague.
And more hypocrisy that sickens the soul: Before the agreement, the media largely blamed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, not Hamas. Of course. The hostages "don't interest him," they said, and worse, "he wants them dead." Dust in their mouths. Now that the first hostages have been released, the same media again accuses him, this time in the death of previous and future hostages, and of course is careful not to credit even a percentage of the hostages' release to him. Heaven forbid, it's only former President Donald Trump (the same commentators wanted Vice President Kamala Harris to win). For years there hasn't been substantive discussion in the mainstream media, only according to the question of whether it's good or bad for Netanyahu. We all pay the price.