João Lemos Esteves

João Lemos Esteves is a lecturer in the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon as well as a political and security analyst.

A true Brazilian warrior and an Israel lover

President Bolsonaro sees Prime Minister Netanyahu as his role model – and Israel as his political, existential and spiritual inspiration.

The narrative created by the enemies of Israel is finally collapsing for good. Nowadays, the question is no longer if Israel is a legitimate sovereign country, but only how long it will take for the international community to recognize, without doubts or reservations, the right of the Jewish people to establish their self-government in their own land. Once again, Israel is a light of hope, of peace and of tolerance to the whole world to see – and to be inspired by.

One particular tough zone for peace and for democracy is South America. Unfortunately, the people from countries such as Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia are suffering from far-left totalitarian regimes. A lesson that must be learned by all of us – socialism is the certain way forward to misery, to social chaos and to democratic erosion. Socialists and the progressives-regressives politicians and activists (well, let's call them like this…) promise the heaven on earth – but they just deliver a living hell to all citizens (except to their party's affiliates and socialist dynasties).

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However, let's look at the bright side today. In South America, since 2019, there is a country which proves that democracy and liberty are possible in that geography – I am referring to President Jair Bolsonaro's Brazil. Bolsonaro, a former captain in Brazilian Army  and a representative of the people in the country's federal legislative body, featured one of the most exhilarating turnarounds in recent political history. With a low campaign budget, with a massive opposition by the establishment elites and the mainstream media, Bolsonaro managed to connect directly to the people and their needs and aspirations.

As a matter of fact, President Bolsonaro has been a warrior in the Presidency of Brazil – the challenges of this country are so numerous, so complex, so peculiar that only a very brave and determined person could face them successfully.  It is no surprise that Bolsonaro considers Prime-Minister Netanyahu as his role model – and Israel as his political, existential and spiritual inspiration.

As President Bolsonaro often says, comparing Brazil to Israel, "look at what Brazil has and what Brazil has not accomplished – and look at what Israel does not have and what Israel accomplished." That is why President Bolsonaro has brought the people from Brazil and Israel closer than ever before.

Likewisely President Trump in the USA, President Bolsonaro has faced a tremendous opposition by the radical Left. We must take into account that President Bolsonaro is also tackling the terrorists of Hezbollah who are trying to infiltrate in the country (through Venezuela and Colombia), the drug cartels that spreads death and violence in the beautiful Brazilian streets, the leftist corruption and a powerful "hidden bureaucratic state" that is working for the failure of Brazil just to recover their personal power.

Advising President Bolsonaro is a brilliant young politician, highly popular in his constituency and with a remarkable international recognition for his talent and work capacity – Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro. Unfortunately, Eduardo Bolsonaro was a victim of a political hit job set up by the leftist opposition which has not allowed his nomination as Brazilian ambassador to the USA. No one would be more qualified, at the present, to defend brazilian interests in Washington DC than Bolsonaro.

Nonetheless, there are great news for Brazil, Portugal and Israel: The brazilian lawyer – from Recife, Pernambuco – André Henrique Gomes da Fonseca will most likely be appointed as Brazilian Ambassador to Portugal in the next days. He is one of the most respected lawyers in Brazil, having won several awards for his work promoting human rights and advocating for law enforcement agents.

André Henrique Gomes da Fonseca also has an effective experience as a diplomat (in Gabon and Peru), moving Brazilian interests forward – always fighting against anti-semitism and defending Israel (note that Gabon is one of PM Netanyahu's priorities in terms of foreign policy regarding Africa). This remarkable Brazilian lawyer uses to say that he is an "ambassador of Israel by heart" as well – and a true friend to World Likud.

As an Ambassador of Brazil to Portugal, he will be a major ally to counter the anti-Israel narratives, delivering Bolsonaro's agenda to promote peace between Israel and the  Arab world.  But any peace process has to guarantee Israel's security and the sovereign power of Israel to determine its eternal capital – Jerusalem.

The new ambassador to Portugal is a vocal strong supporter of moving the Embassy of Brazil to Jerusalem – which will happen soon – since the early days of Bolsonaro's campaign (when Bolsonaro used to have just 3% or 4% in the polls).

Besides that, Gomes da Fonseca has a deep knowledge of European Union politics and he is totally alligned with President Bolsonaro's agenda to enhance the ties between Brazil and the US. Portugal, Brazil, Israel and the US will be closer than ever before, working for a better world.

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