A letter to Zoom students

This year, you are back in the classroom. Enjoy yourselves, help your friends, and follow the COVID guidelines.


Students of Israel, the return to school at the start of a new year is always exciting – but it seems to me that this time, it is an especially exciting event for a few hundred thousand of you, the boys and girls who are learning via Zoom.

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You, who have spent the last year and a half, more than anyone else, in front of computer screens in an attempt to keep learning, even at a distance, an attempt that didn't always succeed.

You, who even when your older and younger siblings went back to the classroom, stayed in front of the screens, sometimes despairing, sometimes disappointed, and mostly, hoping for it all to end. And you, who know better than all of us that there is no substitute for human contact, that nothing can take the place of a game of soccer at recess or a talk with a friend, or the morning sandwich break. That won't work on Zoom. You deserve all the warmth in the world, and we've done all we can to allow you to receive it.

So the time has arrived, and despite the complicated reality, Israel's students are going back to kindergartens and classrooms. This return is mainly an expression of a principle in which we believe: that the school system is as vital as any other sector, possibly more. We made a well-informed decision not to harm the children of Israel, who need a full school framework, so long as we have any other option.

Now that you are saying goodbye, after so long, to the Zoom screens and going to meet your friends and teachers after not seeing them for quite a while, there are a few things I would like to tell you.

First, remember that just like Israel is the start-up nation, the COVID booster shot is an Israeli "start-up" that succeeded – so take part in this success, and get vaccinated. It protects all of our lives.

Remember that no success comes without hard work and effort, but along with aspiring to excellence and success, never forget for a moment how important it is for us to be united and love one another – know that you are going back to a school system that is properly prepared this time, and has made the necessary decisions about you, and not at the last minutes.

Help your friends! Look for someone to encourage, someone who needs help, but isn't asking for it. You'll discover how satisfying it is to help others, and how much doing so strengthens you.

You certainly remember the High Holidays last year, when we were in lockdown. This year, we made different decisions and acted differently. The school year is starting differently, and we're proud of that. But at the same time, we have an obligation to keep our finger on the pulse and do what we need to in order to battle the virus and win. Remember to follow the general COVID rules, because this is the only way we can make sure that the Zoom screens won't go back to being an integral part of the school day.

A new school year is beginning, with all its experiences.


Naftali Bennett,

Prime Minister

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