Dror Eydar

Dror Eydar is the former Israeli ambassador to Italy.

A gift for the industry of lies

The story of the Palestinian baby Layla al-Ghandour, who died from a genetic blood disorder but whom Hamas counted as another "border casualty" from the inhalation of tear gas supposedly released by the IDF, is the story of over 100 years of struggle between us and the Arabs of the region: lies vs. facts, an industry of death vs. one of settlement and construction.

This culture of lies needs to be recognized around the world. Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas military leader in Gaza, recently announced his "doctrine" on Al-Jazeera: "We have decided to use the bodies of our women and children as a dam that will prevent the Arab collapse." Yes, he admits that Gaza's rulers have an interest in seeing piles of dead women and children, which photograph well in the Western media and allow them to turn up the volume on their lie of wretchedness in the face of Israeli "brutality."

There is a deeply rooted anti-Semitic base for accepting that lie in some quarters, especially among liberals, who accept as truth nearly every blood libel against Jews. A baby bayoneted by the IDF is a monstrous gift for the culture of the anti-Semitic lie. The connotations run though the marrow of the European consciousness – Jews doing to others what was done to them.

The Arabs of Gaza have not asked to "break the blockade" (which is actually a partial blockade intended to prevent weapons smuggling). They called the event what it is: a "March of Return," which means "the destruction of Israel."

Happily, they do not have the power to do that. But anyone who openly declares an intention to annihilate us should be stopped, even if it costs him his life. Anti-Semitism in the world feeds off the self-hatred among us. The "Bolshevik, Nazi, Ukrainian, fascist approach," one Avigdor Feldman termed the IDF's actions. He is considered a hero in his own circles.

Global liberalism, like its branch in the Israeli Left, has long since abandoned reason and rationality and is motivated mainly by emotion. To that we add its lazy underlying assumption that the weaker side is always right. The lying cover story about the so-called murder by gas of a baby at the hands of the IDF of course reached the New York Times Jews, who embraced the lie as more proof of the atrocity of the establishment of a powerful Jewish state.

That is what all the leftist groups are aiming at: delegitimizing the idea of a national home for the Jewish people. One lie has luckily been exposed – but how many have not?

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